Create an audio file and write an essay then upload it for your initial post

timer Asked: Apr 29th, 2017

Question Description

Create an audio file then upload it for your initial post. You will respond to your classmates in the usual written manner.

Since this is a way to practice verbal reporting to a client or company officer, please offer constructive advice to your classmates on their verbal reporting (i.e. - spoke too: soft, loud, fast, slow, etc.) along with your comments on their audio post topic.

Research a current event from within the last five years that relates to this module"s topic of Project Management and Organizational Behavior. Attach an audio explanation of the current event and specifically how it relates to the topics that you’ve learned this week.

Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least two other students’ post by the end of the week. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

One way to make a recording on your computer is to type "sound recorder" in the help or search option on the computer for instructions on how to use it.

In addition, the following websites offer advice regarding how to make audio recordings using different devices:

All Essays

Write excellent essay


Respond to at least two other students’ post by the end of the week.

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