Quantitative analysis method for management

timer Asked: May 1st, 2017

Question Description

Download the latest National Auto Dealers Association State of the Industry Report by going to the NADA Market Beat. You will see the Jan 2017 sales, and then if you scroll down, you can view the previous 12 months.

NADA also has some forecasting articles that might be useful.

Using the data on new vehicle sales by month, forecast demand for new vehicle sales for the first 3 months of the next year. Be sure to discuss your technique in forecasting demand, as well as the variables that you used to create your forecast. How accurate do you think your forecast will be, and what factors can improve its validity? Write up your report in a 500 to 750 word APA formatted paper (word count does not include title page, Certificate of Authorship, or references) and submit it to the dropbox.

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