Six Sigma, management assignment help

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Business Finance


Prepare an abstract from an article in the text book or from research conducted at any of the following Web sites:,, or Follow the Abstract Format & Requirements in Faculty & Course Info.

Abstract Requirements

  • Include a cover page and APA requirements for all assignments.
  • Typed, double spaced, 2 pages (no more than 2 pages!)

Student Name, date, and abstract number

APA citation of the article

Summary: (Bold & Underline)

One or two paragraphs giving a brief overview of the article.

Reaction: (Bold & Underline)

One or two paragraphs giving your personal opinion on the subject; what you thought of the article.

Application: (Bold & Underline)

One or two paragraphs explaining how you can use this information, or how you have used it the past, professionally or personally.

Note: Use articles that are related to Statistical process improvement and how the concepts, tools, or techniques can be used to affect, implement, or develop increased productivity or quality improvement.

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