week 6 case study

timer Asked: May 3rd, 2017

Question Description

Read the following case studies:

Case Study: Joshua

Case Study: Desert Viejo Elementary School

Create one 10-12-slide PowerPoint presentation (in addition to a title slide and references slide) outlining an intervention for each case study. One of the interventions must include Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD). It is up to you to decide which type of intervention is best suited for each scenario. Include the following in your interventions:

Step-by-step description of each intervention plan

Rationale for choosing each intervention

Community resources that are available in your local community that you would include as part of an intervention for each scenario

Include a minimum of three scholarly references in addition to

Jackson-Cherry, L., & Erford, B. (2014). Crisis Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention. New York: Pearson.

Unformatted Attachment Preview

Case Study: Desert Viejo (DV) Elementary School Demographics DV Elementary School is situated in a working class neighborhood. It is a K-6 school and has student body of 1,200 children. The population of students is diverse in culture and race. Disposition This morning as the children were preparing to go to lunch, a distraught father entered the school yard. Earlier in the day, the distraught father “Ben” had had another argument about custody and visitation with his ex-wife. Ben’s daughter Sierra is an 8-year-old 4th grader at DV Elementary School. When Ben entered the school grounds, he was carrying an M-16 assault rifle. Ben is a retired veteran who likes to collect guns. His M-16 was equipped with an extended clip, allowing him to carry over 50 rounds of ammunition in the clip attached to the gun. Ben eventually made his way into the school, then the front administrative office and emptied all 50 rounds on the occupants. A group of students were passing by the front office as the assault began. One child was injured, but not fatally. When emergency services arrive and secure the locked down school, they count 5 fatalities. One of the fatalities was Ben, who took his own life with a hand gun after his killing spree. The small group of children passing by the office at the time of the assault was the only children who witnessed the horror. The remainder of the student body and teachers report hearing “pops,” crashing, and “breaking stuff” from their classrooms. Case Study: Joshua Name: Joshua Demographics Joshua is a 17-year-old Caucasian male. Joshua is a junior in high school and his parents report he is an “average” student, earning Bs & Cs a majority of the time. Joshua is the youngest of four children, his two eldest siblings no longer live in the family home. Joshua’s 19-year-old sister lives in the family home while she attends the local college. Joshua is a medium build Treatment History Joshua was hospitalized last year for a substance abuse disorder. Joshua has been using drugs and alcohol since his 12th year. Current Treatment Joshua reports he has no current therapist, “They just don’t listen to me and even when they do they don’t understand my issues.” Current Disposition Joshua has called the hotline reporting “I just don’t see any reason to go on.” Joshua reports that his girlfriend recently broke with him and he has been feeling hopeless about his future. Joshua reports that he plans to “Play in traffic” soon.
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