ibn battuta, history assignment help

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Homework Book https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com Email justin_milam2002@yahoo.com PW Jlmilam11!! (the J is capital) and there is a underscore between justin and milam Your most recent lecture focused on the history of American exploration and colonization before 1700. This assignment gives you an opportunity to investigate other instances of exploration, settlement, or expansion that occurred during the same time period. After choosing an explorer from the list below, you will respond to the numbered prompts. Choose one of the following individuals, according to your own interest: • • • • • • Leif Ericson Estevanico Semyon Dezhnyov Evliya Ҫelebi Ibn Battuta Zheng He Then, respond to the following prompts. Please write at least a paragraph (four sentences or more) for each of the numbered prompts below: 1. Which explorer did you choose? Where did this explorer come from (country, kingdom, region, etc...)? What ethnicity, nationality, and/or religion did he belong to? What part(s) of the world did he explore? During what years was he exploring? 2. Why did this explorer leave his homeland? Did he explore independently or was he sent by a governing power? What circumstances in this explorer’s personal life or homeland made the exploration of foreign lands an attractive or rational option? 3. What was the nature of this explorer’s relationship with the lands/peoples he visited? For example, was the purpose of his exploration to establish trade, extract resources, settle new lands, research, or something else? In your view, was this relationship positive, negative, or neutral? 4. While this explorer was traveling the world, what major historical events (if any) were occurring in the region that would eventually become the east coast of United States? For example, were Spanish conquistadors colonizing Saint Augustine, were English settlers landing at Roanoke, was Nathaniel Bacon attacking the Susquehannock, or had Europeans not yet colonized the region? 5. Think about this explorer’s purpose and relationship to the land he explored and peoples he encountered. Then, explain your personal viewpoint on the following: How does this explorer’s history compare to the history of the colonization of what is now the eastern United States? What are the differences between this explorer’s actions and the colonization of America? Was one more successful than the other? Was one more harmful than the other? Do they pose similar ethical dilemmas? If, due to the peculiarities of your explorer’s history, you cannot answer any of the above questions, then please explain why. Write in complete sentences, composing a separate numbered paragraph for each of the above prompts. Use single spacing and 12-point font. Each paragraph should be at least four sentences. Do you need help with online research? If so, click here for some handy tips and tricks!
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