What is the appropriate conclusion to an ethical dilemma?

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Business Finance


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Module 5 Pg 1

Module 5 Pg 2

Module 5 Pg 3

Please note, there is a section of a question missing within the Case Study for Week 5. Open the Case Study File, go to the tab titled Module 05 Page 2 and look at Question #4. This question should read as follows:

All of the company’s cash disbursements are made by check. Each check must be supported by an approved voucher, which is in turn supported by the appropriate invoice and, for purchases, a receiving document. After reviewing the supporting documentation, you approve the voucher. John prepares the checks for the CFO's signature. John also maintains the company’s check register (the cash disbursements journal) and reconciles the bank account at the end of each month. What internal control procedures would you question regarding this internal control of cash? What would you change about the current internal control?

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