Interview preparation-military workforce, psychology homework help

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Assignment 1

Informational Interview Preparation

For this activity, identify and contact a local counselor who practices in your specialization area, and request an informational interview. Submit the name, contact information, and specialization of the person you are interviewing in this discussion. You will need to schedule your interview so it can be completed by the end of Unit 7. When contacting your chosen counselor, be sure to explain the intent of the interview and let him or her know that you will keep your interview short (30–60 minutes). You may want to provide your interview questions to your interviewee ahead of time to help him or her prepare for the meeting.

In the informational interview you will discuss how the counselor integrates career counseling into personal counseling and what assessments or inventories he or she uses in practice. You will post a summary and reflection of your informational interview in a Unit 8 discussion. Review the Unit 8 discussion to help you structure your interview questions. If you would like, you can add additional interview questions to this discussion to get feedback from your peers and instructor. If you don't find someone to interview this week, notify your instructor with the relevant information when you identify someone.

Review the Informational Interviewing section of the Career Center to learn more about conducting an informational interview. You can also use the Locating Career Counselors resource to help you locate and contact a counselor.

Assignment 2

Military Personnel Returning to Workforce

Considering the traumatic effects of war on men, women, and children, compare the career issues affecting military personnel returning to civilian life to those who have not been in the military. This situation can affect all family members, including children in school, so please include partners and children in this discussion as it relates to career development. As part of your post, include your strategies for advocating for these clients' career and educational development.

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