Need help due Tuesday has to be in APAformat

timer Asked: May 13th, 2017

Question Description

  • Select a movie or TV show that effectively communicates the culture, values, and norms of a society that is different from your own culture.
    • The movie or TV should meet the following requirements:
      • Must be a foreign film with subtitles
      • Provide you with a glimpse of what life is like in another culture
      • The process of watching this movie or TV show should provide you with a unique cultural experience.
  • Watch the movie or TV show that you selected, and use your reactions as part of your response to the following topic:
    • Define ethnocentrism. Discuss how ethnocentrism affects individuals and societies.

Write a paper of 2–3 pages addressing the following:

  • Provide a comprehensive overview of the concept of ethnocentrism.
  • Use your cultural experience of watching the selected movie or TV show to discuss the effect of ethnocentrism on individuals and societies.
  • Use any personal experiences that you may have had visiting different countries around the world as part of this paper; however, do not let your personal experiences with other cultures be the focal point of this paper.
  • The focal point of the paper is your cultural experience watching the selected movie or TV show and your comprehensive overview of the concept of ethnocentrism.
  • Please note that this paper is not intended to be a summary of the movie or TV show.
  • This paper is not a book review or overview of the movie or TV show you selected.
  • Focus on the cultural observations that you are able to make based on this experience and your discussion of the concept of ethnocentrism.

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