Electrical engineering lab usin ltspice

timer Asked: May 14th, 2017

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can anyone help me to do this assignment using Ltspice i need a full answer show the work and a unique work see attachment

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1. Use Itspice to design a single phase generation to distribution transmission network. We have a 0.5MW single phase wind turbine generator that produces 11kv. a) Design a transformer to step this up to 132KV using a primary inductance of 100H. (Show Math) b) Design a transformer to step it down 120V using a primary inductance of 100H and terminating in a lohm resistor. (Show Math) c) Design the entire system with a lossy, transmission line to transport the energy using the Turkey ACSR line at 25 Degrees C. Simulate and graph: 1. Pout 2. Pin 3. Step-up of transformer 1 4. Step-down of transformer 2 2. Design the entire system with a lossless transmission line to transport the energy using the Turkey ACSR line at 25 Degrees C. Simulate and graph: 1. Pout 2. Pin 3. Step-up of transformer 1 4. Step-down of transformer 2 3. Using the generator from and transformers from 1, design a 3-phase network consisting of the generation and transformer 1 to step up the voltage. Simulate and graph: 1. Step-up of transformer 1
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