Create a post from the perspective of Blanche. Is she jealous of Jane? , assignment help

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U5L05B1 - Create a post from the perspective of Blanche. Is she jealous of Jane? Does she suspect Mr. Rochester's plot? Read your classmates' interpretations of Blanche and make comments.

Lesson Assignment

Complete the attached assignment. Show all work and then submit it by saving, digitally photographing, or scanning and then uploading to your teacher.

Select five characters from the novel and describe their emotional development and emotional changes using the attached chart.

U5L05J1 - Is jealousy used in present day to gain or achieve things? If so, how and why? Cite personal/public examples. If not, why not?

U5L06B1 - You are to create a unique image for each of two characters found in the novel and post them. Place the name of each character in a comment. Try to guess your classmates' images and provide comments as to the effectiveness of their images. Cite sources if necessary.

U5L06J1 -Would the plot change if symbolism and foreshadowing were omitted from the novel? If so, how? If not, why not? Cite examples.

U5L07B1 - What passage in the novel represents the most significant use of imagery? Why is it so significant? Read and comment on the posts of your classmates. Did they choose the same passage?

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