Memoir Planning, 2.02 english literature help

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2.02 English lit

Memoir Planning

The questions will help you plan your memoir. You may have already answered some of them in your Student Guide, so refer to your Student Guide if you wish.

Remember: You need to complete the assignment by the due date to receive full credit.

Total score: ____ of 20 points

(Score for Question 1: ___ of 2 points)

What event have you chosen to describe in your memoir? Be sure your topic is not too broad or too narrow.


Type your answer here.

(Score for Question 2: ___ of 6 points)

Briefly explain what happened. Include as many details as you can in your description.


Type your answer here.

(Score for Question 3: ___ of 6 points)

Why is the event significant to you? Write at least three sentences describing what made this event important to you and what you hope others might learn from reading about your experiences.


Type your answer here.

(Score for Question 4: ___ of 6 points)

Now think about the order in which things happened. Fill out the time line. This time line is designed to let you order the details of your memoir and gain a rough idea of what shape your essay will take. List the important actions and details that happened in the beginning, middle, and end of your event on the time line below.


Time Line for My Topic:


  • Type your answer here.


  • Type your answer here.


Type your answer here.


Memoir First Draft

Type your name and the date at the top of this page. Type or paste your draft into this document. Be sure that your draft is double-spaced, 12 point Times new Roman font. Save the file as:


Example: ENG302A_S1_2.6_Memoir_First_Draft_M_Smith.doc


Memoir Final Draft

Type your name and the date at the top of this page. Type or paste your final draft into this document. Be sure that your draft is double-spaced, 12 point Times new Roman font. Save the file as:


Example: ENG302A_S1_2.12_Memoir_Final_Draft_M_Smith.doc

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