Need help with psychology assignment

timer Asked: Jun 2nd, 2017

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I have a nee assignment that i need help with can you help?

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35% - 9:00 PM Week2 Assignment JOB ANALYSIS OF A COMMERCIAL AIRLINE PILOT PAPER DUE STATUS NOT SUBMITTED POINTS 15 POSSIBLE JUN 05 INSTRUCTIONS In this assignment, you begin working toward a culminating assignment in Week 5. This week, you will conduct a job analysis of the position of commercial airline pilot. Read the "Making Air Travel Safer Through Crew Resource Management" customer relationship management (CRM) article on the American Psychological Association website, which you will use for assignments throughout this course. Select one job analysis method and information from O*NET Online website to conduct a job analysis for the position of commercial airline pilot. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that addresses the following: Justify your use of this method by comparing it to at least one other job analysis method.Evaluate various psychological tests and other methods that would be important to consider when hiring commercial pilots.What legal and ethical concerns should organization consider when hiring these pilots?Differentiate between various performance methods that would be most suitable for this particular job. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
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