Essentials of Biology:

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1. Describe the rabies experiment of Louis Pasteur discussed in the story. Research how Pasteur’s injections cured Andre. How do rabies immunizations work today?

2. Describe four pieces of evidence used to support the theory of evolution (7.6)

3. Name the type of speciation that results when a species cannot mate due to a change in their use of a habitat. Explain how it results in speciation.

4. Name three characteristics of viruses. Are viruses living or nonliving? Defend your answer.

5. Diseases due to viruses are plentiful. Name three diseases caused by viruses in humans. Which are not species specific? Why?

6. In figure 17.4 of chapter 17 READ section, explain the top and bottom graph which compares the age structure of less developed and higher developed countries, specifying the x and y axis. Give an example of a nation with this type of age structure diagram. What does a high fertility rate tell you about the future of this population? (17.4)

7. Invasive species are exotic to new areas and growth rapidly. Give two reasons why an invasive species is able to take advantage of a new area. (17.1)

Need to be at least 120 words per answer. All answers need to be cited in APA format and referenced in APA format. All answers must be from to text that I have to email to you due to the fact it is a large file

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Explanation & Answer

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Essentials of Biology
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1. Describe the rabies experiment of Louis Pasteur discussed in the story. Research
how Pasteur’s injections cured Andre. How do rabies immunizations work today?
Louis Pasteur had tried an experiment of curing rabies that involved injection a rabid dog
with a spinal cord mixture which eventually gave the victim dog longer life. He proceeded,
though reluctant to try it on a human being and eventually worked to cure rabies. Louis Pasteur
had discovered that a rabid dog would be cured or rather would enjoy a longer life after being
injected with a crushed spinal cord mixture from a dead rabid dog. In his first encounter to cure
rabies, he injected Andre, a rabid dog victim; with the spinal cord mixture from a dead rabid dog,
though uncertain whether it would work, eventually cured rabies under continued, daily injection
with the mixture. In the world today, the rabies vaccine is made from killed rabies virus whereas
there are two types of vaccination on rubies which are preventive vaccination and vaccination
after exposure. Preventive vaccination is given in three doses; the first dose as is appropriate,
second dose seven days after the first dose and the third dose at 21 days or 28 days after the first
dose. Vaccination after exposure is issued in our doses; the first dose right away, and on the third
seventh and fourteenth day respectively (268).
2. Describe four pieces of evidence used to support the theory of evolution (7.6)
There are four evidences that support the theory of evolution: natural selec...

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