Signature Assignment MTH/216

timer Asked: Jun 5th, 2017

Question Description

Create a 5- to 7-minute presentation that must include:

  • Introduction (approximately 1 minute) (CLO 2.1.2*)
    • Introduce your topic and question.
    • Why did it interest you? How does it relate to life?
    • What should the audience learn from your presentation?
  • Visuals/Evidence (approximately 4 to 5 minutes) (CLO 2.2.1* & 2.2.3*)
    • Show your data table, scatterplot, other 2 visuals, calculations, and any other evidence to support your conclusion(s).
    • Explain what information in the data tables is not needed for your analysis.
    • Discuss why you selected each visual and what you can conclude from the visuals.
    • How do these visuals support your conclusion?
  • Conclusion (approximately 1 minute) (CLO 2.2.2* & 2.1.2*)
    • Restate your topic and question and give your answer to the scenario.
    • How confident are you that your conclusion is sound?
    • What work would need to be done to increase your confidence?
    • Discuss what you learned from this project.

Include detailed speaker notes for each slide.

Your assignment will be graded using the Signature Assignment Rubric.

*Note: The CLOs listed in this assignment refer to Course Learning Outcomes that align with the rubric for this assignment.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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