Preparing a Professional Development Plan

timer Asked: Jun 7th, 2017

Question Description

To prepare for this Assignment, consider the personal SWOT analysis you completed and the goals you developed in Week 1. Reflect upon your experiences so far in this program and any insights you have gained since you created those goals. In addition, review your PLN plan from Week 4 and the results of “The New Drivers of Leadership” Self-Assessment that you completed this week. Finally, return to the interactive media “Voices of DBA Students.” This time, focus on the independent scholars’ descriptions of their goals, their plans, and the challenges they faced in a

a 4- to 5-page (excluding a title page and References section)Further develop the goals you crafted in Week 1 of this course. Each goal’s narrative must incorporate the following

    • A statement of your goal
    • An explanation of your motivation for wanting to achieve the goal and how it relates to your personal values
    • A brief description of the steps you intend to take to accomplish your goal, including any relevant tools, strategies, or resources
    • An explanation of how you plan to use technology and/or social media to promote completion of your goal
    • An explanation of how these steps reflect consideration of personal strengths and weaknesses relevant to the goal
    • A timeline for completion of your goal
  • Use your SWOT analysis, PLN, and “The New Drivers of Leadership” Self-Assessment results as guides to ensure alignment.
  • Include appropriate references cited in accordance with appropriate APA formatting. Your References section must include a minimum of five APA-formatted, scholarly citations. Your resources must include the following:
  • Two to three readings (e.g., book, periodical, journal, etc.)
  • At least two forms of technology and/or social media sites that will contribute to the formation of your own PDP
  • At least one other resource (e.g., SWOT

    analysis, “The New Drivers of Leadership” Self-Assessment results,

    and/or your Personal Learning Network [PLN] plan)

    chieving their goals. You will use the Professional Development Plan template to complete this Assignment.

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    Writing Style Prose Michael Anonymous Walden University 2 This paper contains improper writing formats. As I pretend I am an instructor, I will use the Track Changes feature of my Word document tool, and I will use my Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) text as my guide to identify the errors within this paper. Some of the common things I should look for include: (a) anthropomorphisms, (b) improper citation formats, (c) passive voice, (d) improperly formatted reference list, (e) improperly APA formatted paper, and (f) seriation issues, among other errors. 3 Pursuing a Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Degree is a journey that provides an opportunity for both personal and professional growth. The writing of this paper is occurring during a time when the United States is in an economic crisis. Research studies (Curtis, 2014; Williams, 2014Schildkraut, 2014, , Zack, 2015, Adelino, 2014) regarding foreclosures; other research studies (Jurinski, 2016; Ryan, 2014) concerning the decline in small business startups, and scholarly dialogue (Atkinson, 2012; crossley, 2014; Jin, 2014; Jolly, 2015; McGuinness, 2014) regarding job loss and its effects on various aspects of life are affecting the economy. In fact, the state of the economy has therefore caused many individuals to return to higher educational institutions for the purpose of enhancing their professional skills and expanding their horizons. For some who have taken on the challenge of completing a doctoral degree, they struggle to understand the appropriate scholarly writing prose expected by their selected educational institution academicians. In fact, writing at the doctoral level presents a unique set of challenges. Much has been written about research methods and designs (Moustakas, 1994; Yin, 2014; Zikmund, 2013) and how to structure dissertations and research studies. Laboratories for practicing scholarly writing prose are nonexistent and doctoral students practice in the natural classroom setting. I realize like some doctoral students I may struggle to understand the appropriate steps to take when developing my scholarly writing prose. In fact, the anxiety of beginning the DBA journey, focusing on my writing prose, and understanding the various phases of the doctoral program are a bit overwhelming. However, I will overcome my anxiety as I must prioritize those things I find require strengthening, and my scholarly writing prose is primary. I began perusing the Walden University Writing Center and I found common APA nuances that, if understood and applied, will enhance my scholarly writing prose. Below are those APA nuances. 4 1. Use the proper basic document template thus resulting in correct (e.g. fonts, line spacing, margins, and punctuation) formatting. 2. Apply properly formatted citations. 3. Properly format my reference list. 4. Minimize the use of passive voice. 5. Apply capitalizations properly. 6. Use non-biased language. Having taking this initial step will help minimize my anxiety and prepare me for this exciting doctoral journey. 5 References A. Jolly, N. (2015). Geographic Mobility and the Costs of Job Loss. B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 15(4), 1793–1829. doi:10.1515/bejeap-2014-0131 Atkinson, R. D. (2012). u.s. manufacturing: DECLINE AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROSPECTS. Economic Development Journal, 11(3), 5–11. Adelino, M., Gerardi, K., & Willen, P. (2014). Identifying the Effect of Securitization on Foreclosure and Modification Rates Using Early Payment Defaults. Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics, 49(3), 352–378. doi:10.1007/s11146-013-9433-0 Crossley, T. F., & Low, H. W. (2014). Job loss, credit constraints, and consumption growth. Review of Economics & Statistics, 96(5), 876–884. doi:10.1162/REST_a_00417 Curtis, Q. (2014). State foreclosure laws and mortgage origination in the subprime. Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics, 49(3), 303–328. doi:10.1007/s11146-013-9437-9 Jin, H., Birkenmaier, J., & Youngmi, K. (2014). Job loss and unmet health care needs in the economic recession: Different associations by family income. American Journal of Public Health, 104(11), e178–e183. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2014.301998 Jurinski, J. J., Down, J., & Kolay, M. (2016). Helping older, encore entrepreneurs anticipate financial risks. Journal of Financial Service Professionals, 70(1), 81–90. McGuinness, S., Wooden, M., & Hahn, M. (2014). The perceived probability of job loss and future labour market outcomes. Industrial Relations Journal, 45(4), 329–347. doi:10.1111/irj.12061 Moustakas, C. (1994). Phenomenological research methods. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. 6 Ryan, B. (2014). Starved of financing, new businesses are in decline. Gallup Business Journal, 1. Schildkraut, J., & Mustaine, E. E. (2014). Movin', but not up to the east side: Foreclosures and social disorganization in Orange County, Florida. Housing Studies, 29(2), 177–197. doi:10.1080/02673037.2014.848263 Williams, S., Galster, G., & Verma, N. (2014). Home foreclosures and neighborhood crime dynamics. Housing Studies, 29(3), 380–406. doi:10.1080/02673037.2013.803041 Zacks, E. A., & Zacks, D. A. (2015). A standing question: mortgages, assignment, and foreclosure. Journal of Corporation Law, 40(3), 705–737s. Zikmund, W.G., Babin, B.J., Carr, J.C. & Griffin, M. (2013). Business research methods. Mason, Ohio: South-Western, Cengage Learning. BUILDING A PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORK Building a Personal Learning Network Savior C Wright DDBA: 8006- Contemporary Challenges in Business Dr. Stella Rostkowski 1 BUILDING A PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORK 2 Building a Personal Learning Network As technology moves with such a high frequency, there is an intimidating feeling that is always left behind. In this case, it has facilitated the building of an online personal learning network in a much simple way. A PLN (personal learning network) is an online network of learners that allows the sharing while enabling a global chat among learners on topics that they are passionate of (Bauer, 2010). The building of a PLN needs resources that help one to construct the plan of looking for individuals or groups that share similar interest. It reflects an individual both personally and professionally. The use of PLNs facilitates the learning and growth of the members as they learn together through communication and sharing of information, ideas and any other useful content to them. PLN involves the entire group of people with which information is being exchanged online. All the people who are interacting make part of one’s PLN whether they are professionals, experts in this field or social contacts. As a method of developing a career, PLN marks a tool, very powerful for learning, gathering information and discovering connections (Siemens, 2014). PLN is based on the collectivism theory or on learning from social webs that are diversified. The connectionism theory shows that learning depends on sharing ideas and communicating with others. A PLN facilitates online learning through interactions that are quite meaningful. The connection power: Building a PLN (Personal Learning Network) The whole aspect of PLNs or Personal Learning Network is not an entirely original concept. Our friends, relatives, and families have all been part of the PLN concept. Thanks to the wireless connections, development of web technology and the internet, those have amplified the use of PLNs in integrating people around the world whom one has never met before. In the BUILDING A PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORK 3 augmentation of our understanding of the world that surrounds us, people no longer depend on the radio, textbooks, television and newspaper as they just need to log in on online networking accounts to acquire the information that is needed and sometimes that they do not need (Koper, 2009). These times are indeed exciting and merit one to stay connected or tuned in sync with the modern world that surrounds them. How people represent themselves personally online introduces one’s world to this world. The building of my PLN involves building and correlating relationships all over the world is invaluable since people communicate and have the knowledge imparted in them in various areas. Building my PLN will begin from finding the people with whom I share interests and values. Network and tools of building a PLN PLN building involves the use of various networks and tools that allow people to collaborate and share ideas in large scale. Facebook is the first tool to use in my PLN building. The function offers to people, the ability to use its Just in time (JIT) format. The users can give links and examples to validate discussions to the topics as described in the PLN blog post: Your PLN made easy. The second tool to use is Twitter and its website. It enables people to search among the many tweets that come every day and use the RSS (rich site summary) to subscribe the results (Tobin, 2008). The things, one is interested in comes to them through the tweets as they tweet back. The is a tool for bookmarking similar to the Del.Icio.Us service and integrates some learning possibilities. This tool lets people bookmark different websites and have conversations about them online. Combining the powers of Facebook, Twitter and Diigo will make me track the ad-hoc opportunities of professional learning as they happen and converse about them after they happen or just before (Blocher, 2012). Other useful tools include the LinkedIn and blog sites. BUILDING A PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORK 4 Profile information To attract people in my PLN, I will include the following information in the PLN profile. What I do regarding profession, my full names, what I am interested in and my blog, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Diigo websites links to welcome people in my network. For instance; “my PLN is based on keeping me updated with educational challenges and the best way technology engages and supports student learning,’’ Brian Reeves: college tutor and blogger at Individuals and groups to include in my PLN The following people and groups will mark the target of my PLN. all these will be concerned with education for students. 1. The teacher/student is a website that highlights the various challenges that learners and tutors experience and the possible solutions to solve them. I would include the group in my PLN since as a teacher I will get content related to both tutor and student success. I came across this group, through continued browsing online (Wilson, 2008). After going through the website, I realized that the group carried useful information about teacherstudent success. 2. The university alumni group from my college involves a network of students who have gone through the college and succeeded in getting an undergraduate, masters or doctorate degrees. The group puts the people together as they share their success, developments, and growth in the corporate world. They also share ways of helping the college they learned from together with students and fraternity in the school. These include financial or academic resource support that sees the college solve student issues such as performance and success (Milligan, 2007). I knew BUILDING A PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORK 5 about the group as I have been part of the growth and development forum in the college and so that I can gain much from the daily interactions that I can pass over to the students. 3. is an online group that posts content about new upcoming technologies that can support the students in their daily efforts to do well in school. The website has content about useful apps that help to simplify learning process of students. Most apps involve the use of programming models to tackle various quizzes online such as mathematics. I bumped into this through browsing online. 4. The college student portal is an online account for the school that carries all information about the college, students, staff, libraries, developments and resource centers. This can be a useful link to include in the PLN since students and tutors can exchange ideas and raise concerns. Being part of the college fraternity I have been part of the portal and know the potential in the proper use of the website. 5. Mark Zuckerberg@finkd is a twitter network for the famous and successful American blogger and programmer who I thought would make a resourceful encouragement to students and the use of technology apps in the modern world. Being successful in the business he is a good role model for many young people wishing to do well in the future after they graduate and excel in academics. His successful life is a good source of encouragement to many (Warlick, 2009). A PLN (personal learning network) is an online network of learners that allows the sharing while enabling a global chat among learners on topics that they are passionate of. The building of a PLN needs resources that help one to construct the plan of looking for individuals or groups that share similar interest. It reflects an individual both personally and professionally. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Diigo and a blog post website form good tools for my PLN. BUILDING A PERSONAL LEARNING NETWORK References Bauer, W. I. (2010). Your personal learning network: Professional development on demand. Music Educators Journal, 97(2), 37-42. Drachsler, H., Pecceu, D., Arts, T., Hutten, E., Rutledge, L., Van Rosmalen, P., & Koper, R. (2009, September). ReMashed–recommendations for mash-up personal learning environments. In European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (pp. 788793). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Siemens, G. (2014). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age. Tobin, D. R. (2008). Building your personal learning network. Corporate Learning Strategies. Tu, C. H., Sujo-Montes, L., Yen, C. J., Chan, J. Y., & Blocher, M. (2012). The integration of personal learning environments & open network learning environments. TechTrends, 56(3), 13. Warlick, D. (2009). Grow your personal learning network: New technologies can keep you connected and help you manage information overload. Learning & Leading with Technology, 36(6), 12-16. Wilson, S. (2008). Patterns of personal learning environments. Interactive learning environments, 16(1), 17-34. Wilson, S., Liber, O., Johnson, M. W., Beauvoir, P., Sharples, P., & Milligan, C. D. (2007). Personal Learning Environments: Challenging the dominant design of educational systems. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 3(2), 27-38. 6 DBA 1 Pursuing my DBA Savior C Wright DDBA 8006: Contemporary Challenges in Business Dr. Stella Rostkowski DBA 2 Pursuing a DBA degree In today’s business administration world, conventional MBA (master of business administration) degrees have just become a commodity. It has thus become a requirement to those who wish to remain relevant to do something that will see them remain at the edge of this profession. A solution to this lies in the pursuance of a DBA (doctorate in business administration) degree (Batchelor and Napoli, 17). This one provides a take that is fresh and new on the competencies that are core and needed to think strategically in the business environment of today. It synthesizes skills in practical business with a top level insight into the challenges that are complex about the field allowing one to have data-driven creation strategies for enterprises that wish to remain innovative. The reason why I want to go for the DBA degree is first to gain a competitive advantage above other employees with the MBA certificates. According to the current trends journals and other business publications there is an influx of MBAs in the US. The recession that is being experienced has led to holders lose about 4.6% of average pay (Bourner, Geoff Rugger and Jon, 489). The DBA will help me leverage marketing trends that are emerging while remaining a step ahead of the other business administration professionals. Since I was a kid I have wished to be a leader and when I grew interest in business administration I knew the kind of a leader I will become. Since the field is very competitive, only a DBA degree can place me an added advantage above the other competitors. This certificate will ignite my passion in business. It will improve the autonomy in me while offering me the ability to make differences that are meaningful with my efforts. DBA 3 The SWOT analysis results involves the following; my strengths are work experience, education and good networking. The weaknesses include limited education for highly competitive field. The opportunities are enhancing education and strengthening network. The main threats include high competition and education obstacles. The three goals that I wish to achieve once I finish my degree include; becoming a highly competitive business administration leader who is able to steer a company to continued success. I also wish to remain relevant regardless of the changing business market trends that threaten to have many MBAs become irrelevant and outdated. I want to be a successful and experienced business leader who can operate my own business and make it remain among the best in the market after being employed for some time. This means I wish to be my own boss after some time. The strengths that will see me sail through and achieve my goals include the following; work experience that I have amerced and continue to acquire with continued working, interacting with professionals, and through education are making me ready to face and solve any business challenge that might come my way. Education is also making me develop and grow since I will be updated with new and changed trends in the business field and administration. Through education I will also be able to be a step ahead of others in terms of skills, knowledge and merit. so far I have made good relations and networking, aspects that will make me sail through without much efforts as I have people to lean to in case it is necessary. I have learned that to be successful one should not among others and not alone. There are various challenges that threaten my growth and development plans include; continued competition in the field of business administration, whereby everyone is out to remain at the top while dismissing others in the market that cannot cope or are not prepared. The other is DBA 4 training and education obstacles that include lack of funds to further my education, enough time to go for the learning due to being busy with work and inability to handle both the job and education. The limited positions in my area also come as a threat to achieving my goals. To overcome these challenges, I have decided to go for the DBA degree as a means of competing with other professionals in the field. I have also saved enough funds that will see me through my doctorate. I will also learn part time as I work. The DBA certificate will act as a weapon to counter the aspect of limited positions. The completion of this DBA degree will not only help me in achieving the above set goals but will also create new opportunities for me as a change agent in the global market as I will be able to devise solutions to business issues that may be complex while effecting a social change that is positive in my community and the world in general. The reason is that I will improve knowledge through higher learning that will see me instill new ideas of survival in the business world. The degree will offer me the chance to increase experience in the business field and challenge others with the same ambitions as mine. I will have increased my competiveness in the profession and will be able to meet and interact with other experienced business men from where I will be able to learn more. Being able to carry out business successfully means that I will be an asset to the companies that I work for or ensure continued success of any business entity I wish to venture in. DBA 5 References Batchelor, Denise, and R. Di Napoli. "The doctoral journey: Perspectives." Educate 6.1 (2006): 13-24. Bourner, Tom, Geoff Ruggeri-Stevens, and Jon Bareham. "The DBA: form and function." Education+ Training 42.9 (2000): 481-495.
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