
timer Asked: Jun 9th, 2017

Question Description

Instructions: You have two options for the final paper. One option is to do the producer biographical essay which is posted on BB. The other is to write the digital transformation of the American entertainment industry. You are free to interpret this assignment as you wish as long your topic focuses digital changes to content, revenue or distribution. You may examine streaming businesses such a Netflix and Amazon, radio, Hollywood features, indie films, mobile video, advertising or other venues.

Here are some suggestions:

How the competition from streaming companies is changing narrative structures in television.

How advertising companies are adopting imbedded ads and other strategies to reach hostile and evasive audiences.

How the Neilson company is planning to track viewers on digital platforms.

Will inexpensive digital production equipment continue to democratize indie film or will

too many choices lead to smaller audiences?

What will the broadcast networks look like in five years? All streaming?

The essay should be about 2,000 words and contain a minimum of 8 sources. You are free to select a mix of sources including scholarly publications, university studies, established online newspapers and magazines and media industry trade journals (Variety, Hollywood Reporter.)

Please use standard MLA format.

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