Cultural Diversity Workshop Paper, writing homework help

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The group I was assigned was Chinese Americans and the profession is teaching (or teaching high school math if it needs to be more specific). This will make more sense once you read the assignment.

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SOC 321 - Cultural Diversity Workshop Paper Each student is required to research, write, and present a well-documented report that provides the foundation to create a real world training module on one racial, ethnic, or religious group from the United States. These groups include, but are not limited to, the following: • Native Americans (note: the US Census bureau uses the term American Indian) • African Americans • Jewish Americans • Muslim Americans • Latino/Hispanic Americans (Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Guatemalan American, etc.) • Asian Americans (Japanese, Chinese, Filipino, Korean, Vietnamese, Indian, etc.) • Arab Americans (Lebanese, Chaldean, Syrian, Palestinian, Iraqi, etc. • Pacific Islander Americans (Samoan, Tongans, Polynesians, etc.) The student must choose a group of which he/she is not a member. The instructor must approve all cultural group selections. This workshop must be relevant to the student’s specific chosen career field. For example, in a hospital, the dietitians and nurses must be aware that most Muslims do not eat pork. Therefore, they should be aware that serving a Muslim patient a meal containing pork is not culturally sensitive. REPORT The report must include a foundation, career application, and recommendation for the training module. Foundation • A clear description of the group’s most relevant aspects of the culture and why they exist. 1. Economic history in the US, political history in the US and social history in the US, (which should also include the current social status of the group), 2. Educational information (education levels, educational system, the role of education), 3. A discussion of family and religion (some considerations: the role of religion in family life, the roles of women and men, multi-generational household or not, care of elderly family members), 4. Popular culture (fashion, art, music, dancing, traditions, etc.) and cuisine. Career Application • Discussion of how the factors in the foundation play a part in their profession • • Description of possible real-world situations that would raise awareness to potential conflicts between cultures and promote tolerance in a training module that is relevant to the chosen profession. Optional: The student may also want to conduct an interview to become more familiar with the group’s background, lifestyles, problems, and issues from the perspective of a member of the culture. If the student chooses to include this as part of the paper, he/she must ask the interviewee to sign a document acknowledging that the person was interviewed. Recommendation for Training Module • Describe the objectives of the workshop • Practical application for your workplace o Provide an annotated agenda for the topics to be covered in the workshop o Provide sample workshop materials FORMAT Write a formal, well-structured, researched, narrative, and qualitative report. The report must contain an APA-style cover page. No abstract is required for this report. The report should be approximately 10 pages with 1-inch margins, typed, double-spaced, 12-point Times NewRoman font. The title page and references page are not counted as part of the approximate10-page minimum requirement. Remember, this report needs to be balanced between the three sections. The report must include all of the points mentioned above. The report requires a minimum of five scholarly resources (journal articles, books, etc.) in addition to the textbook. Any outside material used in the report must be cited in-text and included in the references page (using APA-style guidelines). Grammar and composition are a part of the grade. Please refer to the rubric for specific assessment guidelines. Each student is STRONGLY encouraged to visit the Writing Center and consult with the Writing Center staff before turning in the report. The report is worth 200 points or 20% of the final grade.
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