Coordination of client to appropriate services, homework help

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Human Service Practice in the Criminal Justice Field

Colorado Technical University


Determine which issues are important to address based on the fact pattern. You should identify at least 5–6 issues raised by the scenario. Once you have determined which issues to address, your job is to prepare a memo to your supervisor outlining an entire case management plan for Steve Z. Your case management plan should contain the following sections: Needs assessment

  1. Service plan
  2. Coordination of client to appropriate services
  3. Monitoring progress of client
  4. Advocacy for client
  • Prepare a memo to your supervisor outlining an entire case management plan for Steve Z.
  • Make sure that your plan is constructed keeping in mind that the agency in which you are working deals with pretrial diversion. Your memo should demonstrate an understanding of what pretrial diversion is, and how diversion can benefit Steve Z.
  • The memo should include each of the 5 functions of case management listed above, and be specific to Steve Z.'s case.

Be certain to use the facts within the scenario. Post your individual portion to the small group files.

  • Your memo should define and explain the function of case management listed above.
  • Discuss in detail what you would do as the probation officer within this function utilizing the information contained in the scenario.

Be certain to use in-text citations in APA format and to have a reference section at the end.

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