Agora Film Assignment

timer Asked: Jun 26th, 2017

Question Description

Read the article first please. And write an 1-2 pages responses paper.

Historical Accuracy in the Film Agora

Should the Catholic Church Acknowledge the Destruction of Classical Pagan Culture?

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Agora Film Assignment 40 points 2 response questions= 20 points each Due Date: Monday June 26 (printed, turned in at the beginning of class) Instructions: Read the 2 articles • Historical Accuracy in the Film Agora by Joshua J. Mark • Should the Catholic Church Acknowledge the Destruction of Classical Pagan Culture? by Debra Macleod After reading those 2 articles, write a 1 paragraph response to each of the following questions: 1. Is Agora an “anti-Christian” film? (Your response must reference the Joshua J. Mark article and include quotes) 2. Do you think the Catholic Church Should Acknowledge the Destruction of Classical Pagan Culture? (Your response must reference the Debra Macleod article and include quotes) -Both of your responses should begin with an MLA citation of the article -Your responses should not exceeded 2 pages. I will be grading based on your critical engagement with the article’s arguments and ideas, and your use of quotes as evidence to prove your points. For this assignment whenever you quote an article I want you to include a proper MLA internal citation. For example: * According to Joshua J. Mark “the success of Christianity can be found in its martyrs” (Mark 1). -MLA internal citations include the Author’s Last Name and Page Number. Grading Criteria: • Full 20 points = - use of quotes from the article with proper MLA internal (parenthetical) citations - referencing specific examples from the film - using key terms and vocabulary - focus on historical context - critical thinking • Points will be taken off for lack of quotes, improper or no MLA internal citations, lack of critical thinking, and lack of specific examples
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