answer question , writing homework help

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answer question

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Persuasive letter The following must be considered: Attention Primary goal T I A Interest D & Desire a At Action T * Getting Allention in writting T Give a Gramples shocking /exciting demonstration. 7 Provide problem when you product/service the solution, 3 State shocking/ incredible stat fact. -In every 3 Msu students has an STD hard Morgan has the high ist infection- vaste of any college in MD. Promise savings or money: 5l use a dielocical question.. (avoid inte regation). of Use a saying/quote Build Interest : Act ميل T Demonstration 7 show how you product/Service is different than competition # money performance more high tech more stylistic A Convenient 3 highlight uses/ benefits. A Testimoniats endorsements More I treat stog pati * Get them to Act: Fear of loss به انحرر ليس رحيل 1) Limited supply ادم ور 2 False time constraints 3 Free trial 4 Consequence free
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