i am having a hard time with writing this final paper

timer Asked: Jun 28th, 2017

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Yes my final paper is due on July 3 and the paper is a literary analysis on The things they Carried by Tim O' Brien

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Tim O' Brien, in " The Things They Carried 1. The Things They Carried Draft Kimberly Jolly English 125 Induction to Literature Mary Larson 6/16/17 Tim O' Brien in " The Things They Carried 2. Jimmy Cross, Character, lived a life full of war and silence ( O' Brien, 1990, Section 5.4). Courage, mysteriousness, and experience were the things that carried in the Vietnam War ( Silbergleid, R. 2009). The Vietnam War was evil and loneliness from the world he once lives an. Vietnam was known as a ghost place because there was a lot of killing the soldiers. Jimmy Cross received letters from Martha to keep his mind off the war that he was facing. Jimmy Cross love Martha deeply, but the love not returned in the letters (O' Brien, 1990, Section 5.4). That made him show more attention to the soldiers by keeping it together, being in love was just a factor. Tim O' Brien, the writer, was from a small town in Minnesota. His mother was a schoolteacher, and his father was charming but alcoholic. He was also a Veteran which is why he had the experience to write a literature about the Vietnam War. We can tell stories by memory in our lives and it can be some truth and a little imagination. The " Speak of Courage" was a letter that was true from a man and later committed suicide. I think this person was a dear friend to Tim O’ Brien, that was in the Vietnam War and suffers from pressure from the war. In the story it is argue that the story genre serves a moral purpose and also some nonfiction as well ( Silbergleid, R. 2009). Tim O’ Brien, The Things They Carried 3. A true war story is a corporal experience; it makes the reader feel what the writer felt. “ Things” in “ make things present” stands for the battle of the Vietnam War, which listed of everyday things that we as humans also have to survive the possibility to kill or kill and the attempt to stay alive. In Vietnam, the objects that the soldiers held would never be at a loss for things to carry ( Silbergleid,R. 2009). “ The Things They Carried” enacts as well as describes is the useful fiction when it comes to writing about historical events. Usually “ story truth” help the audience picture the disaster of Vietnam with the reality and responsibility of a soldier. As the character, Lieutenant Jimmy Cross, say’s “ carry on” as much as possible in the face of a cruel act. O’ Brien, writing text does not function as therapy, it does, however, function as history providing a personal and fictional account of the Vietnam War. We as readers tend to assume if it’s traumatic or is it faithful to the story that told. I would say the soldiers are brave individuals that fought for the United States and they deserve to award tremendously. Tim O’ Brien, “ The Things They Carried 4. References Clugston, W. ( 2014). Journey into Literature. ( 2nd ed.). { Electronic Verison}. Retrieved from http://content.ashford.edu/ Silbergleid, R. ( 2009). Contemporary Literature, Vol. 50 Issue 1, p. 129- 155, 27p. Complementary Index O’ Gorman, F. ( Fall/Winter 1998). Literature & The Arts: An International Journal of the Humanities, Vol. 10, Issue 2, p. 289. 21p; Academic Search Complete. Tim O’ Brien, in The Things They Carried References Clugston, W. ( 2014). Jo
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