The Oxford dictionary defines music as, homework help

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Consider some of the definitions of music – sound in time, sound and silence, organized sound (by humans).

The Oxford dictionary defines music as: a sound perceived as pleasingly harmonious (or melodious) from Greek mousikē (tekhnē) '(art) of the Muses', from mousa 'muse' Muse- a woman, or a force personified as a woman, who is the source of inspiration for a creative artist.

1. Silence is an integral part of music. How can silence be organized?

Watch the following video
Listen for and focus on the silence between the sounds. What sounds can you hear in the "silence?" What is the purpose of the breath?

Composer John Cage believed that all sounds can be considered musical sounds, not just the sounds made by 'musical' instruments. He also believed and proved that there is no such thing as silence. From Cage's Credo: “THE POINT OF DISAGREEMENT HAS BEEN BETWEEN DISSONANCE AND CONSONANCE, IT WILL BE, IN THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE, BETWEEN NOISE AND SO-CALLED MUSICAL SOUNDS.”

Watch a performance of John Cage's 4'33" at

What do you hear/experience in the "silence"? Are these musical sounds in your opinion? Why, or why not.


2. Listen to this Qu'ranic recitation (with English translation) and consider the questions below:

Consider the definition of ethnocentrism. Why do those of us based in Western (European) culture hear Qu'ranic recitation as music? Why do Muslims not consider it music?

Here is a Catholic priest chanting a prayer. Do you hear it as music or as a prayer or both? Explain your answer.

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