Need to write to LEDs

timer Asked: Jul 10th, 2017

Question Description

It has to be done on PLP Software Tool 5.2

Hitting 0 will light all numbers (and flash on and off)

Hitting 1 will light the even numbers (including 0, and flash on and off)

Hitting 2 will light the odd numbers (and flash on and off)

Hitting 3 will light them from 0 to 7 in a scrolling (marquee) pattern that repeats over and over

And numbers 4-7 will turn them off or do nothing

Here's a demo video

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SER 250 Project 2: LED Pattern Generator Learning Objectives: ● Use PLP branch instructions ● Read from a memory mapped I/O device The Task: Write a program in PLP assembly that repeatedly reads the value of the switches (address: 0xf0100000) and displays a pattern on the LED array based on what switches. Each time the switch value is read, the pattern should be displayed regardless of whether the switch value has changed or not since the last time it was read. The table below indicates the pattern that should be displayed for each possible switch setting: Switch Hexadecimal Binary Switch LED Pattern Number Switch Value Value 0 0x00000001 0b00000001 Turn all 8 LEDs on and then off 1 0x00000002 0b00000010 Turn all even numbered LEDs on and then off 2 0x00000004 0b00000100 Turn all odd numbered LEDs on and then off 3 0x00000008 0b00001000 Cycle through all 8 LEDs in order with only one LED on at a time (a marquee) Other Other Other All LEDs off Hint: Logical shifts are not required to complete this project, but they should make your program shorter and more readable than hard coding every value to be written to the LEDs. Shifts can also be helpful when determining the switch value. Deliverables: 1. Take the Project 2 Pre Quiz (2 points) 2. Submit your program on Blackboard with the format: lastname_project2.plp (16 points) Note: Please do not zip the project file or include any additional files in your submission 3. Take the Project 2 Post Quiz (2 points)
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