Humanities: Art and Design

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The first person in history to discuss the theater and acting and the plots of drama and comedy was Aristotle. He devises an argument to explain why people go to see things like tragedies (or sad movies or scary movies). It is a good question. I won't explain Aristotle's reason until after everyone has posted their own answer to these questions:

1. Do you like watching sad movies and/or scary movies?
2. If you do, explain why. To me, at least, it is surprising that anyone would want to feel sad on purpose - but I do like a number of tragic stories and films.

3. If you don't like them, can you explain why so many people do? You have to admit that many of the most popular films and TV shows involve murder, crime, horror, loss, and other tragic elements. What do you think motivates people to choose to be exposed to material that will make them scared or sad? Must be at least 200 words

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