Psy 330 Theories of personality D2

timer Asked: Aug 5th, 2013

Question Description

View the interview with E.O. Wilson, a pioneer in the field of sociobiology.  In the video, Dr. Wilson makes some very strong statements regarding the biological nature of human behavior.  Many of these statements are in direct opposition to other models and theories that you have been exposed to throughout this course.  You will be divided by last names for this discussion.  Your initial post should formulate an argument either to support or refute E.O. Wilson’s claims from the interview.   

Last names beginning with letters A-M:  Provide a reasoned argument that supports the statements that E.O. Wilson makes regarding the biological nature of human behavior in the interview video clip.  Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words and utilize at least one peer-reviewed source that was published within the last five years, cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Last names beginning with letters N-Z: Provide a reasoned argument that refutes the statements that E.O. Wilson makes regarding the biological nature of human behavior in the interview video clip.  Your initial post should be a minimum of 250 words and utilize at least one peer-reviewed source that was published within the last five years, cited according to APA guidelines as outlined

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