sql data base design

timer Asked: Aug 21st, 2017

Question Description

-1. For questions 1 to 17 use the PUBS sample database created by Microsoft.

USE pubs;

--2. Display a list of publication dates and titles (books) that for whic no advance has been paid.

--3. Display a list of titles that have been categorized as something other than cooking. --Use the Books table.

--4. Display all authors whose whose last name is less then 9 characters long. Provide the length of the last name. --Provide column names for all columns.

--5. Display from publisher, book type, price, and title. --Rename the column type with ”Book Category.” Make the publisher column name human readable. --Sort by publisher and type (descending) and then price (ascending).

--6. Display title_id, pubdate and pubdate plus three days, using the Books table, for books that were published in June.

--7. Using the datediff function determine how much time has elapsed in months between the time the books were --published and sold. Provide the title and number of months. provide a meaningful title for each column.

--8. List the title IDs and quantity of all books that sold between 20 and 40 copies.

--9. Display a list of all last names of the authors who have an e in their last name and --the city where they ends in 'e'.

--10. Show the names of the stores where books are on net 60 payment terms. Use the Sales table.

--11. Display all authors whose first names are less than five letters long , end in N or E, and start with A.

--12. Display all titles that cost more than $20 and either begin with b or have a publisher ID of 0877.

--13. Display from the Employees table the first name (fname), last name (lname), employe ID(emp_id)-- and job level (job_lvl) columns for those employees with a job level greater than 200; and --rename the column headings to: “First Name,” “Last Name,” “IDENTIFICATION#” and “Job Level.” --Provide the employers name, as well order by employer.

--14. Display the books and publisher and royalty where the royalty is greater than 10 and less than 20.

--15. Display the first 40 characters of each title and the publishers along with the average monthly sales for --that title to date (ytd_sales/12). Use the Title table.

--16. Show how many books have null prices.

--17. Display a the highest priced book in of each type.Use the GROUP BY. Do not display Null values

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