invention and organization

timer Asked: Aug 24th, 2017

Question Description

Think of a specific problem or issue that you are interested in researching and writing an essay about. This issue should be argumentative in nature, so the topic that you choose should have an equally valid opposing viewpoin

Your job from there will be to explore the issue, look at both sides of the argument as completely as you can, and take a side. Your essay will be an attempt to convince others to join you in your decision.

Read and respond to EACH of the following questions and submit them and your outline in a single document (both parts must be completed).

Part One: Topic Search

For the first part of this assignment, consider the following three questions:

  1. What issue or problem would you like to write about?
  2. Choose a side. What is your view on the issue? What is the opposing view?
  3. What specific change might fix this issue?

Then, freewrite for 10-15 minutes about the topic you have chosen. Share all of the reasons you can think of for why your problem needs to be fixed. Do not worry about grammar, spelling, or format. Do not edit. Write what comes to mind. Do not research yet. If you are stumped and cannot write what you know for 10-15 minutes, go back to #1 and start with a new topic.

Part Two: The Outline

Draft an informal outline for your upcoming persuasive paper. Do not include quotations or paraphrased material. Your outline should be built from your current knowledge of the topic. You can refine this later when you conduct your research.

Basic Outline for a Five Paragraph Essay

  • Introductory Paragraph (five to seven sentences that include a hook, background information, and a thesis)
  • Body Paragraphs
    • First Topic Sentence
      • Supporting Point
      • Supporting Point
      • Supporting Point
    • Second Topic Sentence
      • Supporting Point
      • Supporting Point
      • Supporting Point
    • Third Topic Sentence
      • Supporting Point
      • Supporting Point
      • Supporting Point
  • Closing paragraph (five to seven sentences that include a restatement of the thesis, summary of the main ideas, and a closing thought)

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