LARF Writing Assignment, homework help

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Please see the attached document for information on the assignment. The items highlighted are the things I would like for it to be done in. Thanks!

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What is Physics? Criterion D Assessment LARF Writing Assignment Assignment: You will complete a short, research-based writing assignment to address the following debatable question: Can all solutions to humanity’s problems be found through science? Directions: Pick one item from each category to choose your lens (the point-of-view from which you will write), audience (the person/people to whom you are targeting your writing), role (the person you are writing as), and format (the style of your writing). The items you pick do not have to be in one row, although you may choose to pick items in a row if the combination makes sense. For example, you might choose to write from the point-ofview of a lawyer (role), who is writing a legal brief (format) to a local judge (audience) about whether or not science can solve economic (lens) issues around the world. Your assignment can be hand-written, typed and printed, or typed and emailed to You must include a list of 3 sources you consulted to create your presentation, in MLA format (See Purdue OWL for guidance: ) Lens Moral (principles of right and wrong for an individual) Ethical (principles of right and wrong for larger group or nation) Audience Local congressman Role Student Format Informational Letter (at least 250 words) Your Family and Friends Professor of Economics Script of a Speech (at least 350 words) Social (an issue that affects a specific group of people) Economic (pertaining to the production and distribution of goods or services) Political (relating to the government or public affairs of a nation) Cultural (affecting the ideas, customs and/or behaviors of a specific group of people) Environmental (relating to the natural word and/or the impact of human activity on its condition) Your Community Leaders Lawyer Newspaper Article (at least 250 words) Judge Doctor Persuasive Letter (at least 250 words) Your Clients/Patients Environmental Scientist Scientific Community City Planner Letter to the Editor (opinion-based article; at least 250 words) Community Action Proposal (at least 250 words) Student Body of Shortridge Politician Legal Brief (persuasive letter to a judge; at least 250 words)
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Explanation & Answer

Hey Below is the completed assignment with the highlighted roles and outline. If you need anything else don't hesistate to ask :)



LARF Writing Assignment

Many of humanity’s problems can be solved through science, however, we should not be
naïve to believe that they will solve all of humanity’s problems. While technological,
engineering, and healthcare fields might be well served through science, issues that arise from
the advancements such cultural and social might not be solved. For example, stem cell research
has great promise for eliminating diseases such as Alzheimer’s and dementia but have brought
up issues with some of humanity’s core beliefs (Johansson,733). This being said we should
concentrate on what humanity can solve with our current knowledge and a good example is
alternative energy (i.e. solar, electric)
Fossil fuels are a finite and non-renewable resource and thus the transition to
sustainable and renewable energy is of the utmost importance. In today’s society, many people
drive to work or use...

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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