Subjectivity Statement

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EIPT 6043: Subjectivity Statement • A subjectivity statement is a summary of who you are in relation to what and who you are studying. It is built from your personal history and cultural worldview. However, it is not an autobiography because the emphasis is not you, but you in relationship with your research. The purpose of a subjectivity statement is (1) to help you figure out how your personal features, experiences, beliefs, or feelings may affect your research and (2) to permit you to communicate this to others. Our subjectivities may bias, unbalance, and limit us, but they may also motivate us and permit us to notice what others miss. • A subjectivity statement may be merely a sentence or two in a journal article or several pages in a book. If you write a dissertation using qualitative research methods, it is expected to attach the full subjectivity statement in the appendix. • People build subjectivity statements in different ways. (See “Investigating Subjectivities” under Week 3 in Canvas) • Subjectivity statements will change over time. Expect to revise yours annually and whenever you embark on a new research project. • Assignment: Write 2 pages subjectivity statement (typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, Times New Roman, and 1-inch margins). Adapted from Preissle, J. (2004). Subjectivity Statement. 1 Subjectivity Statement Rubric Content Criteria for grading • Research Topic (First paragraph) • • • Researcher (Second paragraph) Strength and Limitations (Third paragraph) • • Format and Writing • • Begin by specifying a research project you might do. What would you study? What is the purpose of your research? What is your research question or hypothesis? Who are going to be your participants? Discuss who you are in relation to your research topic described above. o The content of subjectivity statements varies but often includes our ascribed characteristics such as sex or gender, race or ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and age and our achieved characteristics such as education and occupation. Consider including several of those characteristics in relation to your research topic. o Specify direct or indirect experiences relevant to the research and standpoints pertinent to those studied. End by explaining how you think your study might be strengthened and limited by what you bring to it. 2 pages (strict requirement), typed, doublespaced, 12-font, Times New Roman, 1-inch margin. Please note that research topic, researcher, strength and limitations should be interconnected. Clear organization and structure, fluent and accurate writing. Total Points possible 6 6 6 2 20 2 Your points
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