major essay Length: 2500-3000 words

timer Asked: Sep 4th, 2017

Question Description

please use sources as much as you can

Reliable and academic sources

An not sure how many but it shouldn't be less than 10

use should use AGPS Harvard style

you should use some direct quotes providing the number(check attachment 2.jpg)

All details are in the attached file (essay question.jg)

you may need all the lecture so that you know what we are talking about. i will provide you uni access for reading

Make sure that you don't pick mining topic because we already did that.

you can read all lecture and reading from my uni student account. i will provide you details for access..even you can watch the previous lectures

There might be 10 weeks.

This is the most important assignment for me

i really rely on this assignment to pass this course

please do you best and effort in this one

i want to get high marks in this one.

so i need high quality work

Unformatted Attachment Preview

3041ENV - Development and Indigenous Peoples Major Assignment Due Date: 11 September 2017, before 17:00 (Monday Week 11) Length: 2500-3000 words Weight: 40% (marked out of 100) For this assessment item, you need to choose a development issue covered in the course (climate change, conservation, tourism, mining) and write about a context in which it involves Indigenous peoples. You are required to analyse the impact of the development on the Indigenous peoples, using one of more of the themes covered in the course (i.e., an exploration of the construction of indigeneity, gender issues, ethical considerations, and/or the political context in which the development takes place). The situation you are analysing can be based anywhere in the world. In addition to the above, the assignment must include sections on the history and colonialism of the region and the Indigenous peoples, and development theory relevant to the situation being discussed. The assignment will be discussed further in tutorials. If there is anything you wish to clarify, please do not hesitate to raise the matter in class or make an appointment to see us. We expect: 1. A standard of writing and presentation that is appropriate to tertiary level study. This means a work which has been proofread, corrected, and which is legible. We expect to receive a structured work which has well developed themes and which follows a logical argument. The work must be referenced at an academic standard (see the Guide to the Presentation of Tutorials and Assignments handout). 2. The assignment should display a mature level of scholarship, which reflects a high degree of independent research and critical analysis of this research. 3. The work shall be original, in that it is free from plagiarism. The work will also be referenced at a professional level in accordance with tutorial discussions. If you have any questions about referencing you should consult with staff before submitting your paper. 4. An important objective of this assignment is to develop in you a professional level of writing and the ability to construct a critical argument. This requires more than just assembling some quotations from books. You will be required to show that you understand the material, and can critically assess it. 5. All written assessment items must be at least 1.5 spaced and presented with a cover page showing identifying information (e.g., course name and number, student name, student number, title, date). Please place your name and the page number on each page. Unauthorised late submissions will be penalised at the set School rate of 10% per day. Single author AGPS Harvard - Book In-text referencing: Note: AGPS Harvard requires page numbers when using a direct quote. Direct quote: Example Fetherston (2007, p. 61) claims that teachers 'suggest ways of looking at the new material'. Paraphrasing (page number may be required if summarising an idea from a particular page): Example Teachers help each student with their individual interpretation of understanding (Fetherston 2007). Example Print hased out of many major browsers but the flash tool can be found here. We advise ENG US 03/0 acBook Pro
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