Environmental factors that influence a student's personal, social, and academic development.

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Note: This assignment meets 2009 CACREP Standards A6, C3, D3, E1, E2, E4, H1, J1, K2, O5; 2016 CACREP Standards SC. 2b, 3h, 3i, 3k, 2. F 2c, 2e, 2h.

This assignment will assess your understanding of the following:

  • Environmental factors that influence a student's personal, social, and academic development.
  • Risk factors for students dropping out of school.
  • The school counselor's role in mitigating the negative effects of cultural constructs on student learning and achievement.
  • Potential challenges in delivering culturally competent services.
  • The school counselor's role in helping to close the achievement gap, promoting student academic success, and increasing the number of students graduating from high school.


In this 3-part assignment, you will examine factors that influence social/emotional development and academic achievement, identify drop out prevention strategies specific to a hypothetical student case, and investigate general intervention strategies for closing the achievement gap and supporting student achievement.


Part 1: Factors That Impact Student Achievement

For the first part of this assignment, select five factors from the following:

  • Ability levels.
  • Atypical growth and development.
  • Behavior concerns – externalized or internalized.
  • Family structure and dynamics.
  • Gender identity or expression.
  • Language.
  • Multicultural issues.
  • Socioeconomic status.
  • Sexual orientation.

Briefly describe each factor you selected, and describe the potential impact of that factor on social/emotional development and academic achievement.

Use evidence from the literature to support your work.

This part of the assignment should be 2–3 pages in length.

Part 2: Case Study

In the second part of this assignment you will create a hypothetical case study of a student at risk of dropping out of school. The hypothetical case should incorporate social, family, emotional, and behavioral factors impacting academic success.

Structure this part of the assignment as described below:

  • Case Description
    • Describe the student, incorporating social, family, emotional, and behavioral factors impacting the student’s academic success, include a minimum of three drop out warning signs exhibited by the student.
  • Academic Impact
    • Describe the impact these factors may be having on the academic achievement of the student you are describing. You do not have to describe a specific impact for each factor; instead, you can holistically describe the impact all factors together are having on the student’s academic achievement. .
  • Intervention Plan
    • Create an intervention plan for the student that incorporates specific, evidence-based counseling strategies for preventing school drop out and increasing academic engagement.

This part of the assignment should be 1–2 pages in length.

Part 3: Promoting Academic Success for All Students

For the third part of this assignment, you will identify broader strategies used by school counselors to support student academic success. Specifically, incorporate the following into your paper:

  • Analyze school counseling strategies for promoting academic development; include both prevention and intervention strategies.
  • Examine how collaboration with other stakeholders (e.g., teachers, administrators, other school staff, parents, community members) can mitigate negative effects of social, family, emotional, and behavioral factors and promote resiliency leading to improved academic achievement.

This part of the assignment should be 3–4 pages in length.


Your assignment should include a title page, conform to correct APA style and formatting, and include headings delineating Parts 1–3.

Use a minimum of eight resources, five of which must be dated within the past five years.

Refer to the Increasing Student Achievement Scoring Guide for the grading criteria for this assignment. Use the scoring guide as a self-assessment tool and as a checklist to ensure that you have fulfilled all the requirements.coun

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Explanation & Answer




Increasing Student Achievement



Increasing Student Achievement

Student achievement encompasses having a deeper understanding about the learner. It
entails focusing on individual student’s ability and strength about learning. Several factors
influence academic achievement as well as development achievement. Furthermore,
identification of dropout prevention strategies helps in a good understanding of a student for his
or her success. Most students are adolescent. These students experience many challenges that
slow their academic achievement. Several counseling strategies are therefore taken into
consideration to help these students in the closure of the achievement gap that supports the
student achievement in the long run even though, some students drop out before completion of
the course.
Factors That Impact Student Achievement
To begin with, ability levels play a vital role in enhancing student achievement. Slavin
(1987) stated that when students are grouped according to their ability and given intensive
training, their achievement levels of both the low and high students skyrocketed. Furthermore,
the ability of students to express themselves and internalize academic papers directly influences
the students’ academic achievement. Grouping of students produced a desirable positive impact
towards the development of the student.
Second, the family structure and dynamics cannot be neglected on the effect it brings to
the student's development. According to Egalite (2016), students from non-intact families have



less achievement compared with those from intact families. Those students from families that
have well-educated parents are likely to achieve compared to those families that the parents have
little or no education. Additionally, families experiencing constant domestic violence and other
related family problems impact negatively on the student’s academic achievement.
Third, Gender is a determinant in student’s achievement. Studies show that girls perform
in some subjects better than boys and vice versa. Zembari and Blume (2011) state that females
outscore males in subjects such as literature, spelling and grammar, general knowledge, and
writing. On the other hand, their male counterparts outshine them in sciences and mathematics. It
is also worthwhile to note that gender influences what line of profession students take. Since
most males outshine females in sciences, they are likely to do science professional lines
Fourth, Aikens and Barbarin (2008) state that socioeconomic status of the student directly
influences his/her achievement. The economic status of the students’ parents has a direct

I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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