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Computer Science


hello i have a weekly report i already write it and i want to expand this weekly report with more details in 3-4 pages
i will attach my weekly report which i need
also i will attach an example to be clear thanks

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4- 32 PROGRESS REPORT – WEEK # 7 ( PCT 104 ) Student Information Student Name: Company Name : ID Number: General Directorate of Health Affairs Progress Report Information: Brief description of activities, assignments, projects and type of training you were involved during each week of training, and problems faced with the resources used (Individuals, Books, and websites). Tasks Done 1- We created “registration” page that contains husband and wife’s personal data. 2- We used JavaScript to make all the fields mandatory by adding validation rules, Ex: Arabic letters only, ID number of 10 digits. 3- We created a function that gives a reference number to each registration. 4- We added a feature for the receptionist to facilitate the search for registered data. 5- We created the tables for the registration page that saves and organize the data entered by the receptionist. 6- We moved to the most important part of the database which is the storage procedure and we create registration page inside it so that the data is stored well. 7- We added feature that retrieved data correctly to the ASP page. Problems Faced The Parameter names was not matched with the added values which caused the data not to be saved in the database. The data was received incorrectly in the ASP page such as the first name and the middle name appears in each other’s places. Resources Used -Microsoft Visual Studio. -Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. -Web-Based Systems (CIS 423). -Database Concepts and Design (CIS 321). -Database Management Systems (CIS 411).
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