Specific learning disability and AT device

timer Asked: Aug 8th, 2013

Question Description

Conduct an evaluation of a commonly used AT device to assist students who have a specific learning disability using the “Assistive Technology and Learning Disabilities” article as a resource for this assignment.   

Analyze three assistive technology tools/devices that address the same area of need (e.g., reading, writing, speech, math, hearing assistance, or vision assistance).  For each device, address the following in your evaluation:

  1. Assemble
    • Specifications: Identify the price of the device, how to purchase it, the licensing fee, required training, and additional required materials (software, apps, adapters, etc.)
    • Audiences: Identify the age, grade, or specific population for whom this technology would be most appropriate and explain why.
    • Advantages/Disadvantages: Evaluate the technique /device according to its advantages or disadvantages in addressing challenges within the designated area(s) of need.
    • UDL Application: Explain how it can applied individually or class-wide as a UDL tool, and if it is transportable (i.e., can also be used from home).
    • Comparison 
      • Complete a cost/benefit analysis to compare and contrast all three devices.  Make sure to include any additional purchases needed for these devices (e.g., apps for an iPad).
      • Critique
        • What are the pros and cons of each AT device?
        • How could each device be improved to appeal to a wider population?
        • If you had to suggest just one technology/device to your administrator for purchase, which would it be and why? Consider factors such as AT for an individual and a whole class/school purchase.
        • How would you design an evaluation to determine the effectiveness of each technology/device over one school year?
Your evaluation should be four to six pages in length, excluding title and reference pages, or you may choose to create a PowerPoint or Prezi presentation that is 20 to 25 slides.

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