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timer Asked: Sep 28th, 2017

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Wikipedia “Talk Page” assignment 1. Please sign up for a Wikipedia account (it is free, and I try regularly to contribute to Wikipedia to support these as well as other efforts.). Having an account provides you with access to the “Talk Page” that constitutes a critical part of the representation of any subject, and reveals Wikipedia’s intellectual and conceptual infrastructure—typically rich, and often revealing. A good page to consult for an overview of the treatment of linguistics itself in Wikipedia is the Linguistics Portal Page, here (which also links to an interesting discussion about the topics language and linguistics). You’ll notice that the discussion regarding the morphology page itself is interesting—and there is Wikipedia vocabulary to discover, as well on its talk page. Your account will also give you access to the WikiProject Linguistics Talk page. And an overall set of Wikipedia guidelines appears here. We are not editing entries; we are making ministudies of the process. Why? Because there is something to learn about the field (morphology and linguistics) from looking at how linguistic scholars and researchers—both established and apprentice—are thinking about issues you’re beginning to address yourself. Wikipedia represents a range of critical knowledge, but it also provides a window onto the dynamism of the fields it treats. On Thursday, 7 September, please submit a sheet with your name and your Wikipedia user name (not your password, but your user name). The next steps (steps 2 and 3) will be repeated three times, with the three different morphological topics you select. 2. Select a topic from the list of topics, or find a morphology topic that is not on the list, but that you want to learn more about, and that Wikipedia has been able to treat with more than a stub (make note of the stubs you discover; some will have some interesting talk pages, but typically, they’re not rich enough to merit an assignment. In the future, however, you may be able to elaborate on one!) The first due date for this step is September 14, the second is October 26, and the third is due by email by midnight Friday, November 24. 3. Respond to the following questions—you may do so with question numbering and in sentences and paragraphs—thoughtfully and carefully composed sentences and paragraphs, but separate paragraphs. In other words, the assignment does not ask for an essay. a. What is the level of importance assigned to the topic? What is the class-level of the article, and what reason(s) did you find for that “grade?” b. Is there a focus for the comments, or are there several? What are the issues that the comments address? c. Select two of the issues, and summarize the discussions. How does the discussion relate to what you have learned, or feel you know about the issue? Is there resolution? How does the language on the actual page relate to the talk about it? d. How do the article and discussion relate to our treatment of the topic—in our reading and in our discussion? Did we address it at all? If so, did we do so in ways consistent with the understanding in the article or the talk page? You may find agreement with some of the discussants and disagreement with others e. What is your sense of the discussion? In other words, what do you conclude is most convincing or explanatory? Why? (i.e., what reasoning led you to draw the conclusion you have drawn?) These discussions are due—I’ll let you know whether on Moodle or on paper— September 28 November 2 December 7
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