International Trade Law

timer Asked: Oct 1st, 2017

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I have written a phd proposal in international trade law I have to follow the university template but I think that i did not met that template So im wondering if u can help me with that so we can have a professional proposal which will meet the template and guidelines requirements.

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Prepare a research proposal In general, a proposal should define the chosen area of study, detail the aims of the proposed research project and provide an indication of the approach to the research you wish to take. Enough detail is required so the department can determine if it has the resources, including suitably experienced supervisors, to support you as a research candidate. It may take several weeks or months to prepare a good research proposal so start the process early. Research proposal requirements vary according to the discipline, department or degree. Some departments require 500-700 words with a dot-point summary of a project, while others may require a more detailed proposal of up to 2000 words. Check with your proposed supervisor and department about their specific requirements. As a guide, your research proposal should include: • • • • • the proposed project area of research and the issue being addressed an indication you have done a preliminary literature review the objectives of the research a description of a possible methodology that may be relevant to the topic a draft completion timeline or plan for the project (aim for a three year timeframe)
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Tags: history arguments Moral child development of course and Procedures for example however where Guidelines for developing the HDR thesis proposal Overview All early childhood HDR candidates are required to deliver a research proposal during the f will have one reviewer; either the candidate or her/his supervisors can also request two reviewers as appropriate. Candidates will be required to submit a thesis proposal including an overview of the aims and scope of the thesis research question(s) conceptual orientation types of data and research methods and data analysis strategies to be used. This document must be submitted electronically for review within the stipulated period of the candidature. The specific date for submission is to be negotiated between the candidate and the supervi and a recognised referencing and style guide? The review process is regarded as an important milestone in the research candidature and is designed as to her/his supervisors on an agreed date within 6-8 months (for full-time candidates) or 8-10 months (for part-time candidates) of their candidature. including the email contact details of the reviewer(s) who are available for reviewing the thesis proposal to the HDR Academic Adviser (Early Childhood) Associate Professor Manjula Waniganayake ( 3. The HDR Academic Adviser to forward the thesis proposal together with the necessary documentation to prepare a review report guidelines to the reviewer(s) recommended stipulating a deadline within 2-3 weeks of submission for returning the review reports. 4. Upon receipt of these reports the HDR Academic Adviser will forward these to the Principal Supervisor who will make the necessary arrangements to discuss the review reports with the candidate in a timely manner. 5. Following the review meeting between set a deadline to meet appropriate amendments and/or submit the Thesis Proposal Confirmation report within one month of the review reports being recei Margaret Fegent ( who will ensure it is attached to the University’s Candidature Commencement Report due at the end of the f and submitted to the HDRO as appropriate. When a major rewrite is recommended the candidate and supervisors will negotiate an appropriate deadline and advice the HDR Academic Adviser of this deadline and follow the steps identified above to ensure the review of the revised thesis proposal. Format of the thesis proposal The thesis proposal will be a 000 words and consist of commentary on some of the essential elements of a thesis including the following: 1 Project title and summary 5. Research design including ethical considerations 2 Aims significance and expected outcomes 6. Time line and budget 3 Critical review of literature 7. Thesis writing plans 4 Theoretical orientation 8. Refere provide a summary of the proposed research study referring to its aims significance and expected outcomes. 2. Aims significance and expected outcomes: What do you hope to discover through your research? This section should state briefly either in a series of points or in two or three paragraphs the main issues to be explored problems to be solved and/or the main aspects of the topic to be researched. In this section the candidate is also required to discuss significance of the proposed research study including a clear justification of how the research will lead to significant outcomes. Anticipated outcomes of the proposed investigation includes how such as shedding new light or producing new evidence on an important problem investigating a new methodology advancing conceptual understanding professional practice in early childhood informing governmental policy or community capacity building. 3. Critical review of literature: This review together with section 4 on theoretical orientation will be the main substance of the proposal and will lay the basis for your discussions of methodology and the research work to be undertaken during yo and/or leadership in early childhood. This review will contextualise your proposed research topic/question and demonstrate your awareness of similar or relevant research. The literature review will be fairly detailed summarising salient findings theories and other developments but it does not have to be a comprehensive review of all literature in the field. In some fields where perhaps relatively little has been published it may well amount to this; in others the published literature may be so large that to read and review all studies would be a task more suitable to th not a thesis proposal. Be clear to assist the reviewers by stipulating the boundaries of the literature review you have presented in this proposal. Yo which pieces of research/writing seem to have been most successful or to be most promising and which less so? What are the major lines of criticism that can be leveled at previous work. What major omissions/neglected emphases may be identifi the evaluation of a body of literature can become a large task and can turn into an open-ended venture. And you should consult your supervisors on thi this should be presented in the context of the main purpose of the review. It is possible that with some topics there may be very little relevant publ or that there may be only materials of potential but as yet undemonstrated relevance. If you propose to attempt this your literature review may need to consider what it is about your chosen topic that means it falls in a thinly researched area or what it is about the area that has caused it to be neglected. What have researchers preferred to study instead? Why is the neglected area neverthel psychological/sociological history/curriculum etc. Such interdisciplinary undertakings can raise questions of balance and integration and are obviously much more readily undertaken if there are existing interdisciplinary models to follow. Consultation with relevant staff other than y clarified your major aims and reviewed other relevant work. In view of this tentatively do you stand on the topic? If there are various theories on your topic/area which one(s) will you use in your conceptual framework for your thesis? Which themes or trends do you wish to follow up from the literature as you hav what are the main considerations that will guide you in your search? Perhaps the best way to approach this section of the proposal is to try to set do and your emerging issues what are the areas in which you expect to have findings? Clearly especially for empirical theses there will be some topics where it is essential to formulate explicit hypotheses before any research can be conducted. This does not mean in any way that all hypotheses or theoretical positions must be finalised and stated in your research proposal. New hypotheses and refinements of existing ones may be expected at various stages of your research. It may be helpful to think about problems or areas where although as yet you do not have any clear hypotheses you can nevertheless see that you may need to develop them at some stage. Finally some research will be more influenced by values than others - educational political or religious - and researchers with different values will make different judgments of emphasis or interpretation. If you think this is the c you should say so and indicate your own position. This is quite independent of the question of whether values can be justified by your own or anyone e including the proposed research. Clarity and rational presentation are required not conformity to a particular "line" or “school” of thinking. This is a different matter from the conduct of research once the methodology has been chosen. The thesis should be presented in conformity with the rules and canons of the metho if new methods or variations on existing methods are adopted these should be explained and justified. 5. Research design: This section will address questions including which research tradition research techniques and methods do you propose to use? and what resources and approaches to analysis of data are to be employed? Provide a brief state or be consistent with your stated theoretical orientation and problems/issues to be examined. With some topics there may be several available alternative research methods. Sometimes it will be possible to use more than one method in the same study sometimes not. When choosing from among alternatives you should give reasons for your choice indicating the distinctive contribution and advantages of the method(s) chosen. Again these reasons would be drawn from or at least compatible with your stated theoretical position. Candidates are also required to identify ethical considerations impacting on the study. Early identification of pote can assist in satisfying the university’s ethical protocols efficiently. 6. Tentative time-line and indicative budget: Consider the Candidature Manage in their expected order the steps you plan to take indicating so far as possible the duration of each step. Details of the types of research procedures or methods to be employed need to be indicated in this section. In some if not most kinds of research there will be stages where the next step is very largely contingent on the outcomes of the preceding phase and it will not be possible to forecast exactly what the next step will be. It might be a case of indicating that step 2 could be (a) or (b) or (c) depending on what happens in step 1. If so state what would be involved in (a) (b) and (c) so that it will be clear what some of your options might be after completion of each step as appropirate. Perhaps it will not be possible to b you should explain why. In identifying the scope of your thesis it is also important to discuss any financial support you may require in undertaking your research work. Accordingly to identify expenditure items such as equipment and travel costs that are eligible for university funding. Note also that in the final year of candida given the current state of the literature your theoretical orientation and your methodological choices perhaps fundamentally as well as

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