HIP response

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For ONE of the correlations:

  1. Transform into an experimental study and identify the independent variable (IV) as well as the dependent variable (DV). Then, describe the experimental and control groups. Discuss any confounding variables that may occur.
  2. Explain whether you think this study would be better as a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer).
  3. Discuss how the results of this study may differ depending on if it is a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer).

For ONE of the experiments:

  1. Transform into a correlational study and discuss what the variables are and whether it is a positive or negative correlation.
  2. Explain whether you think this study would be better as a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer).
  3. Discuss how the results of this study may differ depending on if it is a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer).

All HIP responses must be written in APA style – headers, title page, in-text citations, reference page (will be reviewed in class), double-spaced, 1” margins, and Times New Roman font. The HIP responses should also be a full 1 to 2 pages long (not including the group assignment, title page, or reference page). The source used to complete this assignment should be the class textbook.

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Name: PSYC 105 Unit 1 HIP Tosifree Decide whether each item below is a positive or negative correlation. 1. The more time you study, the higher the grade you will receive. positu 2. The more you exercise, the less you will weigh. Nejate 3. The more vegetables you eat, the healthier you will become. 4. The less television you watch, the less you will be distracted. 5. The more candy that you eat, the more cavities you will receive. ha positin 6. The further you drive your car, the more tired you become. Nesatta positive 7. The longer you sleep, the less you will be tired the next day. Nesutile 8. The quicker you run, the faster your heart beats. positie 9. The more you are distracted by your phone, the less you pay attention in class. Nerath 10. The less you study, the lower the grade you will receive. positiu Identify the IV, DV, control group, experimental group, and confounding variables for each of the experimental studies: 1. Jessica has a hypothesis that studying in a library will help students improve their grades. She compares participants who study once a day in the library versus those that study in their dorm rooms. IV: The location DV: Grades Students in libery Experimental group: Control group: Shivents in den dorm room Confounding variables: me each one a distraction Spent m Roomates 2. A new pharmaceutical company is checking a break-through medication for depression. They believe that this medicine will reduce symptoms of depression more than any others on the market. Some participants are taking the medication, while others are taking a placebo pill (sugar pill). I: Media Medicin DV: Symtoms of depression Experimental group: Fa termenuluy bave rieztun Grup taking the Medicine undingsvariables: like, severity of the Control group: Placibo fill Confounding variables: depression PSYC 105-002RN Fall 2017 3 Group Assignments & HIP Responses Students will be completing two (2) group assignments with two (2) responses to the group assignments (HIPs) throughout the semester for Unit 1 and Unit 3. The two group assignments will be completed IN CLASS on the date listed on the course schedule. The two HIP responses to the group assignment will be completed by the student on their own and due the next class (see Course Schedule). The information for these assignments is provided at the end of this syllabus. All HIP responses must be written in APA style - headers, title page, in-text citations, reference page (will be reviewed in class), double- spaced, 1” margins, and Times New Roman font. The HIP responses should also be a full 1 to 2 pages long (not including the group assignment, title page, or reference page). The source used to complete this assignment should be the class textbook. The group assignment and HIP response will be graded as one grade. Be sure to attach the group assignment at the end of the HIP response. Assignments must be printed, stapled, and handed in at the beginning of the class it is due (see Course Schedule for due dates). Group assignments + HIP responses are worth 20% of the student's final grade (10% each). Reflection Papers Students will complete two (2) reflection papers for Units 2 & 4 (1 for each). Each student will be able to choose from the options at the end of this syllabus for each unit. All papers must be written in APA style - headers, title page, in-text citations, reference page (will be reviewed in class), double-spaced, 1" margins, and Times New Roman font. Each paper must be 3 to 4 pages long (not including the title page and reference page). The sources used to complete these papers are the class textbook as well as AT LEAST 1 outside CREDIBLE source. Papers must be printed, stapled, and handed in at the beginning of the class it is due (see Course Schedule for due dates). Reflection papers are worth 20% of the student's final grade (10% each). PSYC 105-002RN 7 Fall 2017 UNIT 1 ASSIGNMENTS HIP Response: Research Methods For ONE of the correlations: 1. Transform into an experimental study and identify the independent variable (IV) as well as the dependent variable (DV). Then, describe the experimental and control groups. Discuss any confounding variables that may occur. 2. Explain whether you think this study would be better as a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer). 3. Discuss how the results of this study may differ depending on if it is a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer). For ONE of the experiments: 1. Transform into a correlational study and discuss what the variables are and whether it is a positive or negative correlation. 2. Explain whether you think this study would be better as a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer). 3. Discuss how the results of this study may differ depending on if it is a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer).
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