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Folks...please prepare a 5 to 10 minutes powerpoint summary describing the characteristics of your individual securities, as well the best circumstances under which your securities perform well. Be prepared to tell the class how you think the securities will perform in times of economic boom and inflation, lower interest rates and a recession, as well as a period of crisis such as a geopolitical event. Please be prepared to present and share your findings with the class and to give me a copy of your presentation.

My securities: PRGFX, AMZN, VNG, IWS, VWO, LMT, FULIX, Kraft Foods 2.25% due 6-05-2017, ICF, Lockheed Martin 3.10% DUE 1-15 2023 Callable, Bank of America 4.125% due 1-22-2024, GOOG.

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