Cegr 106 Civil Engineering

timer Asked: Oct 4th, 2017

Question Description

  1. ASCE Infrastructure Report Card AssignmentGo to: http://www.infrastructurereportcard.org/Watch the related videos:https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA61bxD8Jg-...Write a 2-3 page (minimum) summary of the current state of America’s infrastructure as graded by ASCE. What are the major areas and what are their grades? Focus your discussion on 4 out of the 16 sectors that are of interest to you. What type of investment is needed by the US to improve the nation’s infrastructure and what will be the responsibility of Civil Engineers?Single-space , 12 font, any images and citations used should be properly referenced (APA style). Upload to Blackboard via the CEGR 106 course site.Papers should be original and not copied in any way. Paper will be checked via Blackboard’s SafeAssign, please aim for 20% or lower. Above 20% and without proper citation, your grade will be impacted.

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