4 hours (only 200 words)

timer Asked: Oct 4th, 2017

Question Description


I have two discussions papers for my classmates. I need 100 words comments on each one of them. You can agree or disagree with their discussions. I attached an example of the same work I did before. here is the example of my previous work.

I need them within 4 hours or less.

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Comment : I for sure agree with you. I think that age discrimination will continue to increase. The one thought that came to my mind however is that it is a possibility that it won't increase for a couple of reasons. I think that because right now its becoming more of a problem, people are going to stand up for it to make it known that it is an issue that we need to resolve. I think that because of our generation now, we will be able to grow up aware of this problem, and teach our children or other peers about this situation so that hopefully the discrimination of age will only decrease. I do agree however that it is a huge problem. I'm not sure if the 1 million dollar law suit was necessary for him to express how he really was feeling, or if he just wanted some money hhahahah. But its amazing by him doing that, how people have seen it and with him making such a huge deal about it people are now aware. I think that sometimes we do it unintentionally, but it is great that we know about this problem so that we can now be aware.
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