Persuasive Speech Topic Why Volunteer in the community

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Persuasive Speech-Topic: Why Volunteer in the community?

    • You must refer to at least three (3) sources and incorporate at least one quote, one statistic, and one specific example.
    • Use of a three-dimensional visual aid is also required.
    This speech is required by the course syllabus. These are your time restrictions:
    • Minimum time is 4 minutes.
    • Maximum time is 7 minutes.

    Ask yourself the following questions as you are preparing your Persuasive Speech:
    1. Are all of my claims supported by evidence?
    2. Do I use sufficient evidence to convince my audience of my claims?
    3. Is my evidence stated in specific rather than general terms?
    4. Do I use evidence that is new to my audience?
    5. Is my evidence from credible, unbiased sources?
    6. Do I identify the sources of my evidence?
    7. Is my evidence clearly linked to each point that it is meant to prove?
    8. Do I provide evidence to answer possible objections the audience may have to my position?
    9. Have I used a variety of supporting material, including statistics, quotations, and examples
    ***Please utilize Sample Outline for Persuasive Speech provided***

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Explanation & Answer

whatsup. here you go.

Surname 1
Student Name:

General Purpose: To persuade

Specific Purpose: By the end of my speech, the audience will have seen how important it is to
volunteer in the community.

Central idea: Volunteering is the provision of services to the community without expecting for
payment after the services rendered. However, the noble cause comes with so many benefits
which might not have been ordinarily attained were it not for volunteering.

Introduction: In the contemporary, capitalistic society, the belief of doing something free of
charge may sound strange. The western world is built on a foundation of profits and success,
individuals with honed professional abilities, and being in a position to trade the skills or abilities
thus the belief of working free of charge does not complement the outlook. However, it goes
down to how an individual perceives it; for example, volunteering which has become common in
the recent years is one of the biggest instances on how something can pay off and not necessarily
with money. Mahatma Gandhi asserted that “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if
you were to live forever.” It is not late to acquaint yourself with a new skill and no justification
as to why you should not add knowledge since you are working or rather employed or finished

Thesis: It can, therefore, be deduced that every individual should at least try to volunteer in the
community once in...

Really helped me to better understand my coursework. Super recommended.


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