Ashford University Intermediate Algebra 221

User Generated




Problem number 27

Use factoring to solve. X2+14x+49=0

Use the quadratic formula to solve Problem 4 on page 680.


  • For the factoring problem, be sure you show all steps to the factoring and solving. Show a check of your solutions back into the original equation.
  • For the quadratic formula problem, be sure that you use readable notation while you are working the computational steps. Refer to the Inserting Math Symbols handout for guidance with formatting.
  • Present your final solutions as decimal approximations carried out to the third decimal place. Due to the nature of these solutions, no check is required.
  • Incorporate the following four math vocabulary words into your discussion. Use bold font to emphasize the words in your writing. Do not write definitions for the words; use them appropriately in sentences describing your math work.
    • Quadratic formula
    • Factoring
    • Completing the square
    • Discriminant

Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Support your claims with examples from required material(s) and/or other scholarly resources, and properly cite any references. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts by Day 7.

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Explanation & Answer

Use these documents please, I fixed the first question :)

Ashford University Intermediate
Algebra 221
1. Use factoring to solve. X2+14x+49=0

For this equation we are going to use the factoring so,
𝑥 2 + 14𝑥 + 49 = 0

We are going to separate 14x into two numbers in which their sum will equal 14x
𝑥 2 + 7𝑥 + 7𝑥 + 49 = 0

Then, we need to put the equation into two groups to differentiate the terms which are common
(𝑥 2 + 7𝑥) + (7𝑥 + 49) = 0

Factoring x from (x2 + 7x), and factoring 7 from (7x + 49),
𝑥(𝑥 + 7) + 7(𝑥 + 7) = 0

Now, we can see that the common terms are (x+7) so, factoring this term and we have,
(𝑥 + 7)(𝑥 + 7) = 0
We can simplify the e...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.


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