Which statement concerning warfare in most Native American societies is accurate?

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1. Which statement concerning warfare in most Native American societies is accurate? o Warfare was used to grow numbers among some tribes and often settled traditional rivalries or competition for resources o Warfare prevented most tribes from dedicating time and resources to promoting peace and generating any kind of infrastructure o Warfare and constant infighting rendered tribes unable to resist European explorers, and as a result, Europeans found conquest easy. o Warfare was waged purely over political and economic power; resources were plentiful enough and not a source of conflict 2. The disagreement between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists nearly derailed the ratification of the Constitution. How was the argument resolved? o The Anti-Federalists finally allowed for a strong, three-branch federal government as long as a Bill of Rights, ensuring the personal liberties of citizens, was included in the Constitution o George Washington encouraged the states to ratify the new Constitution as his first act as President o The Federalists took out the provision in the Constitution organizing a three-branch government o The Federalists and Anti-Federalists signed a negotiation treaty that allowed for a stronger Federal government in the Northern states and stronger state governments in the South 3. What was the crop that finally ensured the long-term success of the Jamestown colony? o Cotton o Rice o Indigo o Tobacco 4. One of the major reasons that Charles II made William Penn proprietor of Pennsylvania was to: o Put Penn's negotiation skills to work between the Catholics and the Puritans o Use Penn's wealth to fund plantations in the region o Have Penn negotiate peace with the Natives o Rid England of the troublesome Quakers 5. Metacom's War (also known as King Philips War) started after what event? o Colonists and Pokanoket warriors destroyed the settlement of Swansea o Massachusetts authorities hung three Wampanoag Indians for murder o Providence was burned in protest over unfair trade by Wampanoag Indians o Virginia settlers attacked Massachusetts with the help of the Wampanoag Indians 6. In 1676 in the Virginia Colony in North America, a yearlong uprising took place over relations between native peoples and settlers. Who led this rebellion? o Nathaniel Bacon o John Washington o Sir William Berkeley o The Sons of Liberty 7. The Stono Rebellion triggered the passage of what legislation by South Carolina? o Slave Catcher Act o The Negro Act o Black Codes o Jim Crow Laws 8. Which statement concerning those accused of witchcraft in the Salem trials is true? o Women who had previously been in trouble with the law were mostly involved o These women were almost exclusively the poor and powerless in the community o They were not adult women, but rather young, troubled girls likely seeking attention o They tended to be assertive women who resisted male authority figures 9. One of the effects of the Enlightenment was the founding of what kinds of institutions? o Colleges were founded, including Harvard which was America's first college o Seminary-training institutions were founded for the sole purpose of training ministers o Public secondary schools were founded and included education for girls o Sanatoriums were founded for the treatment of the insane, including America's first prison at Auburn 10. Which of the follow are reasons that the Great Awakening was of significance in the development of American society? o Rise in itinerant preaching and the emphasized doctrine of "works over faith" o Growth of churches and development of colleges o Stronger social and economic ties to the churches and strengthened ties to European church authorities o Promotion of new methods of prayer and differentiation between “Old” and “New” lights rises 11. What was the journey across the Atlantic taken by African captives to the Americas in an effort to meet growing labor demands? o Enslavement o Triangle Trade o The Middle Passage o Atlantic Slave Trade 12. Which statement best analyzes how the tradition of salutary neglect influenced economic and political development in America? o Plagued by political discord and suffering from the effects of French raids, colonists requested that the Crown intervene and help unite the colonies o When the British Crown allowed the colonies to operate with few restrictions, they flourished; when the Crown tightened control, the colonists rebelled and created a new nation o Although the colonies thrived economically for a time under salutary neglect, they were grateful when the Crown began tightening control over colonial political affairs o Salutary neglect resulted in a thriving economy, but the colonies were politically tied to England and could not organize effectively; thus, the presence of troops was necessary to ensure trade 13. What is the significance of the failed Albany Plan of Union, which was drafted by Benjamin Franklin in 1754? o It served as a model for future attempts at unification and provided tentative plans for centralizing power for common interest o It developed the first colonial union resulting in the American Revolution as colonists refused to be subject to the Crown o It reinforced allegiance to individual colonies rather than the collective, and demonstrated the lack of connection between fellow colonists o It established a system where representatives from the colonies would determine how much in taxes each colony would pay to the Crown 14. Why did Pontiac's Rebellion occur? o The British had abandoned their western forts to the French, and had decided to stop trading with Indian communities o The Native Americans wished to renounce European goods, culture, and alliances, presenting a unified front against the colonists o Some Indian tribes objected to the alliance that had been formed with the Spanish and were infuriated that the agreement was made o The colonial government of Virginia had been pressuring Iroquois tribes to move west so that white settlement could expand 15. Following the French and Indian War, which action by the British government most infuriated the colonists? o Colonists who had been avoiding taxes were summoned before councils and punished o British officials occupied their American posts by issuing the Orders of Council o Settlement west of the Appalachians was forbidden with the Proclamation of 1763 o British vessels that seized smuggling ships in and around America were richly rewarded 16. Which of the following best explains the distinction between an internal and an external tax? o External taxes applied to large capital goods; internal ones applied to domestic/indoor products o External taxes were levied only at ports of entry, whereas internal taxes were also levied on transactions within the colonies o The external tax is levied at the end of the year whereas the internal tax is levied at the moment of transaction o External taxes had to be paid directly to the king; internal ones to the colonial assembly 17. The Townshend Acts of 1767 levied new taxes on American colonists. What did these acts signify? o Colonial governors would become increasingly friendly to the Crown, providing the King with extra revenues o Duties imposed on imported goods would continue to increase until colonists could no longer afford to buy them o The collection of duties in the colonies would continue to increase and England would not give up control easily o Eventually Townshend would push to remove taxes on all items except those being shipped to the British West Indies 18. Which of the following events triggered the formation of the Second Continental Congress? o The Olive Branch Petition o The Boston Massacre o The Boston Tea Party o The battles of Lexington and Concord 19. The Declaration of Independence consisted of what two basic tenets? o A preamble that stresses the importance of Enlightenment ideals, and a list of demands for independence o A preamble and the proposal of an independent, republican style democracy for the colonies of North America o A preamble that justified basic rights and the Revolution, and a list of grievances against King George accusing him of tyranny o A preamble linked to Lockian ideals, and a justification of basic, natural human rights that are to be extended to all 20. What kind of offer did Lord Dunmore of Virginia make to slaves who would remain loyal to the British? o Dunmore agreed to give transport back to Africa o Dunmore promised complete freedom o Dunmore said that Canada would be open for them o Dunmore offered safe passage to the Caribbean 21. The necessity of having all states agree on any proposed legislation made what difficult under the Articles of Confederation? o Declaring war o Making any changes o Signing treaties o Coining money 22. What was the underlying fundamental issue at the Constitutional Convention? o Whether the new national government should be more or less powerful than the Articles o How to convince the general population to support a document written by the elite o How to balance the conflicting interests of large and small states o Whether slavery should be abolished or perpetuated 23. What did George Washington argue in his farewell address that set an important precedent for future presidents and diplomacy? o The United States should build upon its friendly relations with all European nations o The United States should financially and militarily support the revolution in France o Avoiding political connections with Europe (and its wars) was in the best interest of the United States o The United States should maintain a close alliance with Great Britain 24. John Adams was a one-term president, in large part due to what reason? o His disagreements with Thomas Jefferson o The Alien and Sedition Acts o The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions o His overall doctrine of Nullification 25. The immigrants who arrived from the mid-1800s onward found little opportunity to settle in what area? o Northern farms o The West o The South o Bigger cities 26. Which president believed that a strong central government was dangerous and that the economy should be loosely managed to preserve independence? o John Adams o Thomas Jefferson o James Madison o George Washington https://www.google.com/amp/s/answersinhistory.wordpress.com/2006/12/29/hamilton-vsjefferson/amp/ 27. President Jefferson's move to try to convince the warring British and French to leave America out of their fight was the passage of which act? o Embargo Act of 1807 o Nonimportation Act o Non-Intercourse Act o Neutrality Act of 1808 28. Which of the following terms refers to the practice of forcing sailors into service with the British navy? o Kidnapping o Reassignment o Impressment o Relocation 29. Which state legislature tried, but failed, to pass a law that would gradually free all of its slaves but immediately deport them to Africa? o Georgia o Virginia o Deleware o South Carolina 30. How did the lives of planters and of yeomen farmers differ from each other in the antebellum South? o Yeomen farmers were subsistence farmers who supported the abolition in order to gain economic equality with wealthy planters who relied on free slave labor o Planters were wealthy slave owners who often lived far from their plantations, while yeomen farmers were poor subsistence farmers who worked their own land o Planters were wealthy investors who strongly supported slavery, while yeomen farmers were connected to merchants and supported the abolition movement o Yeomen farmers became connected with new markets due to increased transportation and no longer relied on help from planters who owned land and slaves 31. Which of these people was at the center of the country's first serious plot of secession? o Aaron Burr o Henry Clay o Alexander Hamilton o John Marshall 32. Who authored the patriotic song, the "Star-Spangled Banner"? o Francis Scott Key o Woody Guthrie o Katherine Lee Bates o Samuel Francis Smith 33. What impact did the transportation revolution have on New York city? o Immigrants arriving in New York city left more quickly o It caused the city’s overall population to skyrocket o It caused the city to build a new bureaucratic structure o It had little effect on the city overall 34. The practice of manufacturing and then assembling interchangeable parts is known as what? o The American System o Milling o Parts Alignment o Bessemer System 35. What was one of the major reasons for the changing attitude towards poverty, crime, and insanity in the early 19th century? o Americans began to believe that human nature could be improved, and began to advocate for sweeping social reforms o There were no longer enough jails to hold all the criminals, and people realized the mentally ill were problematic o The growth of cities led to the rise of professional criminals, and Americans wanted deviants locked up in sanatoriums o Americans began to believe that churches should run these institutions as only God could cure social problems 36. What was one of the reasons why Andrew Jackson vetoed the rechartering of the Bank of the United States? o It was a private monopoly run by a privileged few, and took investments from European markets that were unstable, risking the American economy o Its president and other regulating members constantly meddled in national politics and overstepped their bounds, causing President Jackson to fear a potential imbalance of federal power o It refused to accept deposits of federal revenue and was declared unconstitutional; it caused the panic of 1819 by allowing speculation, thus hurting many working-class Americans o Jackson felt that the national bank and its special privileges hurt many poor, common Americans, and that the Constitution did not provide a national bank for specific reasons 37. Why did the Panic of 1819 hit western farmers particularly hard? o In the east, the economic panic was accompanied by a severe and persistent drought o Due to the mechanization of agriculture, farmers had invested heavily in modern machinery o Many had bought their farms on credit and faced foreclosure on their loans o More and more American consumers were turning to cheaper European imports 38. In creating the Constitution, the Virginia Plan called for: o A three-branch government with a Supreme Court justice as the executive leader o A three-branch government including a bicameral legislature with representation based on population o A legislature where each state received one vote o A two-branch government where the presidency would be shared among three men elected from the legislature 39. Under popular sovereignty, who would decide whether a territory accepted slavery? o Territorial legislature members o Residents of the territory o Territorial governors o Federal government 40. What important legislation did Henry Clay author in the decade before the Civil War? o Compromise of 1850 o Fugitive Slave Law o Kansas-Nebraska Act o Non-intercourse Act 41. Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860 without any votes from what region of the nation? o Northern states o Native-American reservations o Southern states o Western territories 42. What pushed the lower southern states to secede from the Union? o Southern politicians were wealthy and self-serving; they pushed hard to make the secession unanimous and formed the Confederacy o Southerners wanted to preserve slavery at all costs and expand it into western territories to maximize profitability and ensure their way of life o Southern states felt that northern states were acting aggressively and making decisions counter to the political, social, and economic interests of the South o Southern states were convinced that there was a slave power conspiracy, and that northern states were going to limit their options as free white people 43. Which statement was true of the First Battle of Manassas? o Stonewall Jackson was killed as he stood rallying his troops at Manassas o After the battle, Congress authorized the enlistment of 500,000 volunteers o The South suffered 10 percent casualties, and the North, close to 20 percent o After the battle, both sides boldly announced a brief war and certain victory 44. Why was the Emancipation Proclamation so significant even though it did not free all of the slaves in the United States? o It promised that after the Civil War, slaves would be free o It gave slaves rights regardless of condition o It prevented the South from releasing slaves o It tied the issue of slavery directly to the Civil War 45. Identify the significance of the Battle of Antietam. o other It was the sea battle in which the northern and southern ironclad ships finally confronted each o When the interracial Union troops surrendered, Confederate troops opened fire on them o It provided President Lincoln the necessary victory that allowed him to issue his Emancipation o Seizing key supply lines turned the tide in the Confederacy's favor 46. What were radical Republicans in Congress seeking? o To break up southern states into five military districts overseen by a federal military presence o To break up southern plantations into small, self-sufficient farms o To expel southern leaders as punishment for their rebellion o To provide for freedmen through an expansion of the Freedmen's Bureau and the passing of the Civil Rights Act 47. In which area did the Freedman's Bureau have the most success? o Job training and employment opportunities o Education and the establishment of schools o Medical care and the establishment of black hospitals o Housing and the granting of 40 acres and a mule 48. What did white landowners try to do with their former slaves directly after the Civil War? o Sold their plantations rather than have to hire and pay free blacks o Decided to make the first overtures and offered shorter hours and no gang work o Tried without success to force blacks who had once been their slaves to work under very similar conditions o Told them there was no work, and began advertising in the North and in Europe for farm workers 49. Many women believed that universal suffrage would be granted once war time issues were settled. Why did the battle over black suffrage ultimately divide the women's rights movement? o Half of the movement advocated focusing on the rights of black women, while the other half emphasized that first priority should be on the rights of black men o A large part of the women's rights movement did not believe that a constitutional amendment was necessary to gain the right to vote o Some advocates of women's rights refused to support black suffrage without the inclusion of woman suffrage since they had been fighting for so long o The women's rights movement had always avoided the debate over slavery, and many now feared being drawn into the new debate over black rights. 50. What event spurred the Republicans in the House to call for a senate trial for Andrew Johnson's impeachment? o Johnson's veto of a bill that would provide housing and medical care to all freedmen o Johnson's acceptance of bribes from ex-Confederates for reinstatement into the Union o Johnson's dismissal of War Secretary, Edwin Stanton, without the Senate's approval o The granting of an appeal by Johnson to Lincoln's killer, John Wilkes Booth What patriotic song was written during the War of 1812? "America the Beautiful" "Stars and Stripes Forever" "Yankee Doodle" "The Star Spangled Banner" Why did President Adams dispatch negotiators to France? To enforce the borders between American territory and French Canada To help negotiations between the National Assembly and the monarchy during the French Revolution In retaliation for the British-friendly Jay's Treaty, France began detaining American ships carrying British goods To develop a new taxation policy on French goods arriving in the US Identify the compromise that broke the deadlock in the debate for Constitutional ratification. The promise of a Bill of Rights The New Jersey Plan The Three-Fifths Compromise The Federalist Papers Townshend felt his new taxes should not be opposed because they were an example of what kind of taxation? Internal taxes and for the overall benefit of all subjects of the Crown External, as they were on goods brought to the Americas from overseas Taxation for the good of the common people, as they would be used to defend the colonies Excise taxes and well within the parameters of British law How did British Parliamentary regulation of trade and increased taxation of colonies lead to Revolution? Tensions arose among colonists because crown officials made it clear that Parliament would not intervene and help settle colonial issues The British government was caught in a dilemma of wanting to permit American self-governance but, at the same time, maintain economic sovereignty King George III would use force and violence to abandon the tradition of salutary neglect and reassert his sovereignty in the Americas Tensions arose between colonists and crown officials, who made it clear that the British Parliament would not address American complaints about new laws and regulations Which statement best analyzes how the tradition of salutary neglect influenced economic and political development in America? When the British Crown allowed the colonies to operate with few restrictions, they flourished; when the Crown tightened control, the colonists rebelled and created a new nation Salutary neglect resulted in a thriving economy, but the colonies were politically tied to England and could not organize effectively; thus, the presence of troops was necessary to ensure trade Although the colonies thrived economically for a time under salutary neglect, they were grateful when the Crown began tightening control over colonial political affairs Plagued by political discord and suffering from the effects of French raids, colonists requested that the Crown intervene and help unite the colonies Identify the prominent itinerant preacher from the Great Awakening who gave the sermon "Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God." John Peter Zenger Beker Baerwald Johnathan Edwards George Whitfield The Baptists saw their numbers and influence grow considerably in the Chesapeake as a result of which cultural movement? The Glorious Revolution The Great Awakening The Scientific Revolution The Enlightenment What were the fundamental beliefs of the Anti-federalists? A return to the principles of the Articles of Confederation and a detailed list of personal liberties A strong national government and quick ratification of the Constitution A provision to end slavery within the document of the Consitution Stronger state governments rather than a potentially tyrannical central government In what way did white Virginians respond to Nat Turner's insurrection? They purposely murdered many innocent slaves to make those who watched more pliable They killed about 200 blacks, some involved in the insurrection, but many not They fought the rebels for almost a week before finally quelling the uprising They killed Turner immediately, planning to "chop off the head" of the rebellion's leader The cultivation of which of the following crops factored into the growth of slavery in the South? Coffee Tobacco Cotton Indigo The Battle of Shiloh lasted two days and shocked the nation because both Northerners and Southerners believed what about the war? That the Union would eventually have to recognize southern independence That Confederate troops would retreat and pull far back into the rural parts of the South That Union and Confederate soldiers would ultimately refuse to participate in such widespread carnage That the war would be short-lived and result in few overall casualties Which statement concerning the Emancipation Proclamation is true? It freed the slaves and abolished slavery in all the states of the Union and the Confederacy It convinced England to enter the war on behalf of the Union in order to win the crusade against slavery It was formulated by the radical Republicans and issued by Lincoln despite his personal objections It freed slaves in areas under Confederate control unless the southern states returned to the Union Why is the battle at Gettysburg considered the turning point of the Civil War? The Confederates seized control of several major supply lines and were able to gain much needed supplies The two days of fighting were very intense, but the stunning victory ultimately rallied Union troops The Confederates could never rally enough men to advance another attack against the Union troops The South failed to successfully invade the North and took heavy losses militarily and politically
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Which statement concerning warfare in most Native American societies is accurate?
Warfare was used to grow numbers among some tribes and often settled traditional rivalries or
competition for resources
Warfare prevented most tribes from dedicating time and resources to promoting peace and
generating any kind of infrastructure
Warfare and constant infighting rendered tribes unable to resist European explorers, and as a
result, Europeans found conquest easy.
Warfare was waged purely over political and economic power; resources were plentiful enough
and not a source of conflict

The disagreement between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists nearly derailed the ratification of the
Constitution. How was the argument resolved?
The Anti-Federalists finally allowed for a strong, three-branch federal government as long as a
Bill of Rights, ensuring the personal liberties of citizens, was included in the Constitution
George Washington encouraged the states to ratify the new Constitution as his first act as
The Federalists took out the provision in the Constitution organizing a three-branch
The Federalists and Anti-Federalists signed a negotiation treaty that allowed for a stronger
Federal government in the Northern states and stronger state governments in the South

What was the crop that finally ensured the long-term success of the Jamestown colony?


One of the major reasons that Charles II made William Penn proprietor of Pennsylvania was to:

Put Penn's negotiation skills to work between the Catholics and the Puritans


Use Penn's wealth to fund plantations in the region


Have Penn negotiate peace with the Natives


Rid England of the troublesome Quakers (http://www.ushistory.org/penn/bio.htm)

Metacom's War (also known as King Philips War) started after what event?

Colonists and Pokanoket warriors destroyed the settlement of Swansea

Massachusetts authorities hung three Wampanoag Indians for

Providence was burned in protest over unfair trade by Wampanoag Indians


Virginia settlers attacked Massachusetts with the help of the Wampanoag Indians

In 1676 in the Virginia Colony in North America, a yearlong uprising took place over relations between
native peoples and settlers. Who led this rebellion?

Nathaniel Bacon (https://za.pinterest.com/pin/67765169373839593/)


John Washington


Sir William Berkeley


The Sons of Liberty

The Stono Rebellion triggered the passage of what legislation by South Carolina?

Slave Catcher Act


The Negro Act (http://www.blackpast.org/aah/stono-rebellion-1739)


Black Codes


Jim Crow Laws

Which statement concerning those accused of witchcraft in the Salem trials is true?
Women who had previously been in trouble with the law were mostly involved

These women were almost exclusively the poor and powerless in the community


They were not adult women, but rather young, troubled girls likely seeking attention


They tended to be assertive women who resisted male authority figures

One of the effects of the Enlightenment was the founding of what kinds of institutions?

Colleges were founded, including Harvard which was America's first college

Seminary-training institutions were founded for the sole purpose of training ministers

Public secondary schools were founded and included education for girls

Sanatoriums were founded for the treatment of the insane, including America's first prison at

Which of the follow are reasons that the Great Awakening was of significance in the development of
American society?

Rise in itinerant preaching and the emphasized doctrine of "works over faith"

Growth of churches and development of colleges (http://www.great-awakening.com/roots-ofrevolution/)
Stronger social and economic ties to the churches and strengthened ties to European church

Promotion of new methods of prayer and differentiation between “Old” and “New” lights rises


What was the journey across the Atlantic taken by African captives to the Americas in an effort to
meet growing labor demands?
Triangle Trade
The Middle Passage
Atlantic Slave Trade (https://courses.lumenlearning.com/boundless-ushistory/chapter/slavery-in-thecolonies/)

Which statement best analyzes how the tradition of salutary neglect influenced economic and
political development in America?
Plagued by political discord and suffering from the effects of French raids, colonists requested
that the Crown intervene and help unite the colonies
When the British Crown allowed the colonies to operate with few restrictions, they flourished;
when the Crown tightened control, the colonists rebelled and created a new nation
Although the colonies thrived economically for a time under salutary neglect, they were
grateful when the Crown began tightening control over colonial political affairs
Salutary neglect resulted in a thriving economy, but the colonies were politically tied to England
and could not organize effectively; thus, the presence of troops was necessary to ensure trade

What is the significance of the failed Albany Plan of Union, which was drafted by Benjamin Franklin in
It serve...

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