Assessment Application

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SOCW 6101


Imagine how terrible it would be to plan a party and no one showed up. As a social worker, you may very well plan a group and no one attends. Why might this happen? In part, it might be due to a lack of proper planning. Prior to establishing a group, there is a great deal of planning that needs to occur. First and foremost, you need to assess the need for the group.

  • Why does this group need to be provided?
  • Are there enough individuals who would want this type of group?
  • Is there a clear identified gap in services at the agency that shows a need for this group?
  • Have you chosen a time when many clients could attend this group?
  • What are the criteria for being accepted into the group?
  • Is there a possible incentive that could be offered for attending the group (bus or gas fare, food, etc)?
  • Do you need babysitting services so that clients with children are free to attend the group?
  • Is this a task group, an educational group, and or a psychosocial group?
  • Is the group open-ended or time-limited?

As you can see, there are many details a social worker needs to address, prior to starting a group. Once these details are finalized, how will you run the group and what intervention skills might you use to meet the need you identified?

For this Assignment, review this week’s Resources. Then, select a population with which you might like to build a group. Consider the needs of the population and the type of group you might build to benefit the population. Think about how you might structure this group and what role you, the social worker, might need to assume in order to support the group members. Finally, reflect on what intervention skills this group might require and the potential group dynamics of which you should be aware while running the group.

Assignment: (2- to 4-page paper in APA format).

Your paper should include:

  • A description of the population with which you might like to build a group and an explanation of the type of group you might build with this population.
  • An explanation of the concerns that might be addressed for this population in that group and a description of which cultural structures and values may oppress, marginalize, alienate, create, or enhance privilege and power for this group.
  • A description of the details you must consider when planning the group. For example, composition of the group, recruitment strategies, format (open or closed), time frame, and use of screening interviews for members.
  • An explanation of the intervention skills needed for working with this group and an explanation of the potential professional roles the social worker might need to take on as the leader.
  • An explanation of the potential dynamics to be aware of when running this particular group.

Support your Assignment with specific references to the Resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.

Responsiveness to Directions

27 (27%) - 30 (30%)

Paper fully addresses all instruction prompts.

24 (24%) - 26.97 (26.97%)

Paper addresses most of the instruction prompts; however, one or more prompts may have been insufficiently addressed.

21 (21%) - 23.97 (23.97%)

Paper addresses some of the instructions prompts, but may have missed several prompts or did not sufficiently address the majority of prompts.

0 (0%) - 20.97 (20.97%)

Paper does not address the majority of instruction prompts and/or insufficiently addresses all instruction prompts.


36 (36%) - 40 (40%)

Paper demonstrates an excellent understanding of all of the concepts and key points presented in the text(s) and Learning Resources. Paper provides significant detail including multiple relevant examples, evidence from the readings and other sources, and discerning ideas. Paper demonstrates exemplary critical thought.

32 (32%) - 35.96 (35.96%)

Paper demonstrates a good understanding of most of the concepts and key points presented in the text(s) and Learning Resources. Paper includes moderate detail, evidence from the readings, and discerning ideas. Paper demonstrates good critical thought.

28 (28%) - 31.96 (31.96%)

Paper demonstrates a fair understanding of the concepts and key points as presented in the text(s) and Learning Resources. Paper may be lacking in detail and specificity and/or may not include sufficient pertinent examples or provide sufficient evidence from the readings. Paper demonstrates some critical thought.

0 (0%) - 27.96 (27.96%)

Paper demonstrates poor understanding of the concepts and key points of the text(s) and Learning Resources. Paper is missing detail and specificity and/or does not include any pertinent examples or provide sufficient evidence from the readings. Paper demonstrates poor critical thought.


27 (27%) - 30 (30%)

Paper is well organized, uses scholarly tone, follows APA style, uses original writing and proper paraphrasing, contains very few or no writing and/or spelling errors, and is fully consistent with graduate level writing style. Paper contains multiple, appropriate and exemplary sources expected/required for the assignment.

24 (24%) - 26.97 (26.97%)

Paper is mostly consistent with graduate level writing style. Paper may have some small or infrequent organization, scholarly tone, or APA style issues, and/or may contain a few writing and spelling errors, and/or somewhat less than the expected number of or type of sources.

21 (21%) - 23.97 (23.97%)

Paper is somewhat below graduate level writing style, with multiple smaller or a few major problems. Paper may be lacking in organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and/or contain many writing and/or spelling errors, or shows moderate reliance on quoting vs. original writing and paraphrasing. Paper may contain inferior resources (number or quality).

0 (0%) - 20.97 (20.97%)

Paper is well below graduate level writing style expectations for organization, scholarly tone, APA style, and writing, or relies excessively on quoting. Paper may contain few or no quality resources.

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