a presentation at least 4 pages (create a sales pitch for a new product)

timer Asked: Oct 25th, 2017

Question Description

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this is a group project. My portion of the project is to create a sales pitch for a new product. We are presenting a rice cooker that can produce rice milk,rice wine and cook rice quicker than the standard rice cooker. I need to create a fictitious company and the countries that we are dealing with are the U.S. and korea and china. I need at least 4 pages not including bibliography. So you will need to do some research on rice cookers.

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You will break into teams and will research, create and present a diversity management communications package to a fictitious company "client”. This fictitious company will need to have a name as well as have the industry and competition created by the team. Each team will need to make a 20 - 25 minute presentation, including questions and answers, which encompass all of the tools and terms learned in the course. You will also hand-in, electronically, one 10 - 12 page packet that includes your full diversity presentation with a detailed bibliography of your research/resources. You will be graded on the full team's effort, taking into account your performance within that team. In addition, you are required to submit 360 Degree feedback on your teammates. Format is provided in your syllabus. Keep in mind that you will identify two countries and gear your presentation towards a large company with greater than 5,000 employees. This company has different divisions in two countries with significant cultural and religious differences. Focus in on the different elements you will need to incorporate in your presentation to entice management to deploy your suggestions in both countries. this is a group project. My portion of the project is to create a sales pitch for a new product. We are presenting a rice cooker that can produce rice milk,rice wine and cook rice quicker than the standard rice cooker. I need to create a fictitious company and the countries that we are dealing with are the U.S. and korea and china. I need at least 4 pages not including bibliography. So you will need to do some research on rice cookers.
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