Facebook Likes (MUMBAI ONLY)

timer Asked: Aug 12th, 2013

Question Description

YOU MUST BE FROM MUMBAI! This is a very simple project. Actually it is a task. I have a website and a blog that have recently been launched. Currently, I have no likes and no followers on my Twitter and Facebook. I have a 15 day task that will begin as soon as your bid is approved. Person will need to keep in touch with me daily. Here is the task: 1. You will have to follow the page on twitter and like my facebook page. 2. On a daily basis, I will posting 2 updates on Facebook and the same ones on twitter - You will have to like and share each update on Facebook and re-tweet each post on twitter. In your bid, please PM me the number of friends you have on Facebook and the number of followers on twitter. Please also give me your twitter profile url and Facebook url so I can verify. I will create a milestone payment for each day and as soon as you have liked and shared my posts and re-tweeted them, I will release it. I am willing to pay a maximum of $2 per day. Now that is easy money!

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