pseudo-code programming

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The input-process-output model facilitates programming. Often, this is shown through pseudo-code. Pseudo-code shows a model for the program. Then, that model is translated into the specific programming language syntax. In Benchmark 2, the weekly pay program could be shown with the following pseudo-code:

Purpose: The purpose of this program is to calculate the weekly pay for an hourly employee.


    empName as String (the employee’s name)
    empID as String (the employee’s ID number)
    empDept as String (the department the employee works for)
    hourlyRate as Decimal (how much the employee is paid per hour)
    hours as Integer and minutes as Integer (how much time the employee worked)
    totalPay as Decimal (how much the employee is paid)

Process 1:

    uses rate and time to calculate total pay
    totalPay = hourlyRate*(hours+minutes/60)

Process 2:

    rounds the totalPay to two decimal places

Output to Message Box:

    The total pay for <empName> (<empID>) in the <empDept> department is <totalPay>.
    This is based on an hourly pay of <hourlyRate> and working for <hours>:<minutes>.

  1. Consider another data calculation that might be needed in a common information system. Potential examples include calculating tax and tip for a restaurant bill or finding miles per gallon for an automobile. You can utilize one of these or another of your choosing. Using the same format as shown in the above examples, describe the overall purpose of the program and then outline the inputs, processes, and outputs. Be sure that you utilize the input-process-output model, specify each data type, give the equations for calculations, and give the full output string.
  2. Create your program including a user interface in Visual Studio utilizing Visual Basic. Ensure there are no errors present and test it using Debug to be sure it works as expected. Give screenshots showing your interface and briefly describe these screenshots. Also, copy the Visual Basic code. Be sure that this is separate from your input-process-output model pseudo-code from the first portion of the Assignment. Also, zip the full project folder for submission.

Please note that implementing the project in Visual Studio utilizing Visual Basic is only 15% of the grade for this Assignment. You are expected to be able to describe a program in pseudo-code, and the overall grade focuses on this requirement. Translating that into a user interface and proper code syntax represents a significant additional challenge. You should try to create the actual program, but you should not do so at the expense of progressing through the project or submitting this Assignment on time.

The Peer Support Discussion forum is available to you for help with both the pseudo-code and your work in Visual Basic.

By Day 7

Submit your input-process-output model pseudo-code, screenshots, and Visual Basic code as a single document with a cover page for your Assignment.

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Explanation & Answer

Hey I am through. Please find the input-process-output model pseudo-code, screenshots, and Visual Basic code in the attached file. I have also attached the full visual studio project in the zipped file. Cheers!!

Purpose: The purpose o...

Just what I needed. Studypool is a lifesaver!


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