I need a 4 page paper due , 5th page is a work cited and I have direction guidelines that I upload

timer Asked: Nov 3rd, 2017

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English 101 Professor Francis Fritz Paper Three: What Do We Do About Gender? The writers in the series of articles we're reading about gender and its social complexities are all part of a larger shared conversation in the culture. At the core of the conversation might be an effort to address these two related questions: “How do men and women treat the 'other' and why does it matter"? 14 For this paper, look at the readings to analyze the various ways these writers discuss directly or by implication the ways in which men and women respond and act toward each other and the justifications and explanations for why they are right or wrong to do so. From your analysis, address the following problem: The Questions 4 사 What seems to be important about the problem that, in different ways, these writers are trying to get at? Ban one sex, in their souls. your audience without pushing them into a contrary, resistant posture. Try how we treat eachother 9 Audience The audience for your paper will be readers who have very strong, heart-felt ideas about men and women who will be operating at a very intuitive level of reaction. Open to reasoning to some extent, much of what they believe will be driven by gut instinct, family histories (many traditional), and standard views about the apparent distinct natures of men and women and the difficult intellectual challenges of fitting transsexual and intersexual people into that framework. Goal dnother Your goal for this paper is to use careful, well-supported, emotionally neutral style and argument to present a reasoned case for the results of your analysis. In this sense, your goal is to enlighten your , Evidence and how it show harm. The evidence available to you for this paper is as follows: hink 1) the ideas and reasoning offered by at least three of any of the writers in the section of h America Now entitled “Gender: What Are the Issue Today?" and (no Do not include personal experience and do not refer or include any outside sources isagree the Structure For this paper you'll make use of the Classical Argument Structure. See the document called zing “The Classical Argument Structure” for details. Format Your paper should be at least four complete pages in length (although it may be longer), double- spaced with 12 point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins top, bottom and both sides. agree 2) * (see other side) 1 A successful paper will achieve the following: 1. An obvious attempt to address the assignment; 2. A sentence that indicates a clearly discernable main idea; 3. A classical argument structure that is logical and easy to follow, making serious use of the "they say, I say" design, using evidence from the readings from America Now; 4. A clear and accurate characterization of the positions of the individual authors you cite; 5. A reasonably well-developed discussion; 6. Paragraphs with organizations that are logical and easy to follow (including topic and concluding sentences and transitions that indicate logical relations between your ideas); 7. A correctly formatted and accurate MLA style Works Cited page; and 8. Sentences that are grammatically complete, logical and easy to follow, with minimum number of surface feature errors-correct use of periods and question marks, correct spelling, absence of typographical errors, etc., including no use of any form of the pronoun you." T res Due Dates son intro your a End wit A very good draft of this paper (NOT a rough draft), in typed form and on actual paper, is due at the beginning of class on Friday, November 3rd. Statement The same very good draft is due on Canvas on Friday, November 3rd at 11:59 PM. gth. , at 11:59 PM. The Final Version of your paper, in typed form and on actual paper, is due at the beginning of class on Wednesday, November 8th. The Final Version of your paper, ready for grading, is due in Canvas on Wednesday, November This is the tim fthe case. In a factual backg paragraphs, is n as the one w nts (stuff you ca Proposition your statement o you have presen 'ore the problem and This part is where re something you lea terpretation about w ad related piece of kn erpretation, including ed ("I Say). Again, th (see other side) understand the other side. Be neutral Classical Argument Structure The Classical Period, which began around 500 BC and ended with the fall of Rome, left us with many artifacts and ideas. One of those great ideas is the structure of an argument. It was used often in Roman oratory, and we find it still in use in writing and speaking today. This is the structure you can use for your paper. Introduction o introduce This is the part of your paper in which you frame your discussion and in which you involve your reader. The best kinds of introductions begin with what readers already know and end with something they don't know—usually what they don't know will be your main idea. To do an introduction well, you need to consider what your audience knows. So look above for whom your audience is. What they know is that they love their tech and see no problem. Start there. End with what they don't know—the problem you've identified that they didn't know about. ② Layout facts Statement of Background This is the time to provide information so that your audience will understand the nature of facts the of the case. In other words, this section is where you offer significant specific detail about what the factual background of the problem or topic you're addressing. This section, one or perhaps two paragraphs, is where you lay out the important specific details the background. Think of this of section as the one where you lay out the facts (stuff you can't argue with) but not yet the arguments (stuff you can argue with). the Thesis or Proposition Case At the end of your statement of background, you must state the position you are taking, based on the information you have presented, and then indicate the lines the rest of your argument will follow. an Idea Confirmation the Proofis This is where you explore the problem and offer the arguments you want to use to convince readers that you're right. This part is where you really make use of the “They Say, I Say structure. That is, you share something you learn from your readings and your research (“They Say") then you offer your interpretation about why this bit of reading/research is important (“I Say'). Then you offer a second related piece of knowledge you learned in your reading/research (“They Say"), and you your interpretation, including how this new knowledge is related to the last piece of knowledge you shared (“I Say”). Again, this is where much of the work of your argument gets done. (see other side) I can see why they do. V I still believe People feel the way Yes although I agree Concession and Refutation the only conclusion that is acceptable in this case. the problem. Here, you anticipate and refute opposing views. By showing what is wrong with the reasoning of your opponents, you demonstrate that you have studied the issue thoroughly and have reached Regardless of the position you take, there will be naysayers - writers and thinkers who disagree with you, either with your position as a whole, or with a part of your argument, or even if they agree with your ideas about the problem, they'll disagree with what you believe is the solution to This section is where you offer an account of the major point or points of disagreement and how concession). But then you continue to offer a refutation of that view. In other words, while you you can see why these thinkers and writers (the naysayers) would disagree (this is calleda opposing view isn't as important or thoughtful or as compelling or as right as your own view (that is, you refute that opposing view). Conclusion This is where you remind readings of your main points and take some sentence to talk about why this argument you just offered is important and why readers (whoever you imagine them to be) should care.
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