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timer Asked: Nov 15th, 2017

Question Description

In many cases, universities such as Fashion Institute of Technology are not able to provide their students and their staffs with the quality foods. In most cases, the food which these universities give to their students is unhealthy when looking them through the lens of the modern food quality at the end. Many ask the question why this happens, and the university is one of the places where the food which they offer to the student should be next to perfect when looking at the quality. The following paper will try to analyses when many universities are not in any position to provide the students with the quality and also healthy foods.

One of the reasons why these universities fail in this quest is the population. In most cases, the university or the college student exceed the number which such a college can be able to deliver the expected food quality. When the population increases beyond the university capacity to the provision in most cases, the universities have no option but to look at the means which it can use in the process of delivering what the student want. In this case, the university only looks for the only way our which is giving the student what is readily available and also it cost implication is very limited at the end of the process. It is one of the leading factors towards this development at the end of the day.

Second is lack of the resources such as land which they can use in the process of cultivating the vegetarian crops. In most cases the land which is available to the most universities is limited, and it may not allow them to conduct any farming activity. In such a case what happens is that the university has to look for the alternative which is giving the student the cheap foods which are not costly. The idea is based on the analysis that in most cases the foods which are sourced from the vegetarian points is expensive at the end of the day.

The third reason the student’s demands. In the modern world, the students have been brought up with the perception that pizza and other junk foods are the only way to the market. With this, the student demands that the university give them these foods. Although the university has a clear understanding of these foods, it has at the end to give the student what they demand. In this case, the university must listen to the voice of the students at the end and make the appropriate adjustments. It is clear that the majority have their way while the minor have their say in the case provided. It means that the universities have to respect the student wishes at the end.

It is evidenced that many universities or colleges are giving their student food which is unhealthy at the end. With this in mind to change the current scenario, a complete overhaul is required. The students’ needs to be taught on the importance of consuming healthy foods and the implication of the junk foods. On the other part, the university requires being given resources

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