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Another vital power preventive control measure which can be used in case of power failure is the use of Gasoline or generators powered by diesel. SunGrafix being a video game company, it is important for them to implement this type of preventive control since there would be no power interruptions that would be required in most of its process. These generators will be very important since they will help to deter any interruption during the operation process.The company will have an air conditioning system that has adequate excess capacity. Sungrafix Company has for the recent past faced challenges of component failures. The main reason according to the report submitted to the company management team by the company engineers is that most components are poorly conditioned. For instance, the room in which compressors are located is not well aerated. Because of this, temperatures in the room escalate to great levels during operation negatively affecting efficiency of the compressors. In extreme cases failure of operation of compressors is experienced. The company will put in place a fire suppression system to help reduce damage due to fire tragedies when they occur. The first fire suppression system eyed by the company is water pipes. The company will install water pipes connected to specific water tanks. These water pipes will be tested on a daily basis. To ensure constant supply of water in the pipes, these pipes will have their own water tank. The second first fire suppression system eyed by the company is fire extinguishers. The company intends to install an emergency master system shutdown switch to prevent emergencies and losses which might have resulted due to an electrical faults. Statistics have shown that electrical faults are the main source of most fires. Fires due to electrical faults get magnified when electricity supply continues while there is a fire tragedy. This shutdown switch will be located outside the main company building. The objective for having this strategy is that in the event of a fire tragedy, most people will escape out of the building and nobody will think of looking for the switch if it is located within the building. However, if the switch will be located outside, using it will be possible because after employees will have saved their life, the next important thing will be to save the company property. The company also must put in place important gargets such as water sensors in the computer room floor and ceiling. The water sensors are very important as they help to prevent disaster that may occur. For example, in case there is contact between water and the electric devices, the water sensor will give an alert and appropriate action such as switching off the devices or preventing the water from reaching the electric devices. Water is a good conductor of electricity and can cause serious damages or disaster if it gets in touch with electric gadgets. The water proof containers and Heat-resistant containers are essential for non electronic records and media backup. This preventive measure will help in deterring unnecessary heat and water from reaching these devices. The electric gadgets must be kept safe away from water and heat since they contain very important information for the SunGrafix company. Another important preventive measure that will fit the company is fire and smoke detectors. Sungrafix Company will take this step due to a lesson learnt from neighboring Cadbury Company. This company experienced a fire tragedy in August. According to investigation report, there was too much smoke in the company that then led to fire. What this means is that had there been fire and smoke detectors the company would have been saved from incurring the losses that it incurred. The SunGrafix has to implement nonelectric records, system documentation and onsite or offsite storage of media backup. This is also a very important device to be implemented by SunGrafix. This backup system will help in the case where there is unrecoverable damage failure of the normal backup. This device will help prevent data loss and ensure that data is available at all times for the SunGrafix operations. Another essential feature of security is the Technical security measures, such as cryptographic key management. This will aid the SunGrafix to protect information and data from the users who have not been authorized. This preventive control will deter unauthorized users accessing the system but only allows the rightful users only to get into access of the system. This method can be used by the company to protect vital information and prevent data loss from an authorized access. Backups frequently scheduled such as onsite or offsite where backups are stored (onsite or offsite) and how frequently they are re-circulated and moved to storage. The frequent data processes make it important for SunGrafix. The company being a video game design, it has to store and protect the current and previous inventions for future reference as well as a learning resource for the mistakes previously made. It is essential to have a scheduled backup for both the offsite and onsite since the company will be able to have their important information stored ready for backup at any time required or at operation times. It is advisable that the process to be undertaken at the time there is less work or no operation in order to prevent the system from slowing down. This prevention control will help the company to prevent data loss from the system.In summary, Sungrafix Company has put in place strategies that would ensure that these irregularities or errors will not occur at first instances. Some of the examples of strategies that will prevent irregularities and errors from occurring include: ensuring uninterrupted source of power supply, putting in place fire suppression system and fire and smoke detectors.
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Another vital power preventive control measure which can be used in case of power failure
is the use of Gasoline or generators powered by diesel. SunGrafix being a video game company,
it is important for them to implement this type of preventive control since there would be no power
interruptions that would be required in most of its process. These generators will be very important
since they will help to deter any interruption during the operation process.The company will have
an air conditioning system that has adequate excess capacity. Sungrafix Company has for the
recent past faced challenges of component failures. The main reason according to the report
submitted to the company management team by the company engineers is that most components
are poorly conditioned. For instance, the room in which compressors are located is not well aerated.
Because of this, temperatures in the room escalate to great levels during operation negatively
affecting efficiency of the compressors. In extreme cases failure of operation of compressors is
The company will put in place a fire suppression system to help reduce damage due to fire
tragedies when t...

Excellent resource! Really helped me get the gist of things.


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