Beans6& 1

timer Asked: Aug 16th, 2013

Question Description

You are an employee at a nice paper mill and want to impress the
boss by burning the midnight oil (but not too close to the wood pulp).
For four consecutive weeks, you work forty-five, forty-two,
thirty-nine, and thirty-one hours.

If you are a nonexempt employee covered by the Fair Labor
Standards Act, how many hours of overtime pay, if any, would you be entitled to?
What would be the rate?

These individual work
assignments should each include the following:

  • An in-depth submission that
    should be free of spelling and grammar errors.
  • An essay containing a
    minimum of 200 words.
  • You will be assessed on the
    rationale you use in addressing the questions/issue posted, and how well you
    justify your argument regarding this issue.
  • Your response must be
    thought provoking, have well developed ideas and/or opinions, and should
    reference any supporting material from the text, lecture or other sources you
    have used to complete the assignment.

You may use your text or the
internet as a reference, but remember to cite your sources according to APA

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